Chapter 7

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~Crystal's POV~

~Wednesday In Math~

Math. The one word that scares most teens and kids. And some adults. Well not me, math is easy for me.

Lauren, Andrea, Mari, and I were ignoring the teacher because we already learned this when the intercom went off.

"Mrs.McDonald?"(No joke. That is really a math teacher at my school XD)

"Yes?" Mrs.McDonald said.

"Do you have Crystal White in your classroom" My head snapped up and I looked at the girls.


"Will you send her to the office for a minute"

"Sure, she'll be right down" Everyone went 'OOoooooOooOo' Because they thought I did a prank. But I didn't...

Before I left I mouthed to the girls, 'I didn't do anything' There faces dropped. I never go to the office unless I did a prank. This can't be good.

I walked into the office and one of the lady's came up to me.

"Crystal, please sit" She said. I sat down and she stood in front of me.

"Did I do something" I asked worried.

"No, you didn't do anything. I am very sorry to tell you this but, the hospital just called. Your mother, she had a heart attack. She passed away... I'm so sorry"

I did nothing. I sat there and stared at the ground. So many thoughts went though my mind.

'Where am I going to live?'

'I need a job'

'Am I going to an orphanage?'

'Who will care for me?'

'No one else in the family cares for me'

'Will I have to move?'

"You can go home if you want.Take as much time off as you please. I can get someone to send your stuff down here for you" She said.

"No thanks. I'll get it. My locker is by the classroom" I said and walked out.

I had a blank stare on my face as I walked into the class. As I get to my desk, a few tears slip out but I refused to cry in front of them. I grab my stuff and Lauren puts her hand on my wrist.

"What happened?" She asked.

"I'll tell you and the girls later. Don't forget, right after school come to my house" I said and walked out. I put up my books and grabbed the stuff I needed and left the school building.

I needed a ride home so I called Preston.

~C-Crystal P-Preston~

C- Hello?

P- Hey Crystal! What happened you sound sad?

C- Can- Can you come and pick me up? I'm in front of the school. I really need someone right now...

P- I'll be there in two minutes!


I see his car and I get in. By now I had tears streaming down my face.

"What-" I cut him off and I leaned over to hug him and I started bawling.

"I have no one left! I'm alone! Ill have to go to an orphanage! All my relatives don't care!" I cry onto his shoulder.

"Shhh, it's ok. We'll talk more when we get to your house" He said in my ear. I don't care that it's only been a few days we've actually known each other. I feel that I've known him for years.


I'm laying on the couch with Preston, me with my head on his cheat and arms around his torso and him hugging me.

"What happened?" He asked softly.

"My mom.... she's, she's dead" I said trying not to cry.

"Do you want to cancel the hangout tonight?" He asked me.

"No. No, tonight I want to drink my problems away." I looked up at him and he looked down to me.

"Your not old enough to drink young lady" He said with a weird face. I gave him the 'Don't-You-DARE-Argue-With-Me' face and he just chuckled.

"The girls are coming over after school is over with" I said

"Ok I'll text the guys when the girls get here and to bring some drinks" He said.

"Sounds good. And while we wait for them. We'll be watching this!" I said and turned on 'Frozen'.

"Really" He said giving me 'The Face'.

"Yes, really!" I chuckled.

~Ok, I didn't update yesterday so I tried to make this longer than I usually do.

So, Didn't see that comin' did ya?..... You did? Well, um... Ok then I'll just go to that corner over there...... *Hides in a really dark corner were no one can see her*


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