First Day

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Authors note: I remember watching Infinite Stratos a long time ago and it was pretty fine...

Other than Ichika being super dense that its so hard to watch the show!

Infinite Stratos is pretty bad, but its setting allows you to make so many possibilites when making fanfics, so I'm gonna take advantage of this.

Either way, this fanfic won't be updated frequently, I just want to make this. I'll mostly focus updating on my other stories.


IS Academy

IS Academy, a place where students are taught on how to operate and pilot the Infinite Stratos or IS for short.

What is an IS?

An exo-suit that carries lots of firepower, holds the speed of an aircraft, has an armor equivalent to a tank, and has the flexibility of an infantry. With this statistics, the IS is known to be the most powerful weapon in the world.

But there's a catch about this weapon.

It can only be operated by women...

For some reason the IS can only be operated by females. Since the IS is the most powerful weapon in the world and can only be operated by females...

Expect female superiority in society...

Its normal to see men getting bossed and abused in public with only few batting an eye...


Either way, since the IS can only be operated by women, the IS Academy would be a girls school. But there's currently two boys inside the school...

Both of them are inside a classroom sitting in the front row seats. And right now, both boys are being pierced by the curious stares of the student, beautiful and cute female students.

The boy with black hair who looks generic is named as Ichika Orimura is feeling very nervous about the piercing stares of the female students. He even looks and calls for help from a girl he seems to know but the said girl just looked away.

The other boy is you, (Y/N). Right now, you're simply seating in your chair half-asleep and giving little care of the stares from the girls behind you.

You're half asleep in class because you never had enough sleep last night because of some "trouble". A trouble that gave you the reason to wear a military combat uniform.

After a minute, the teacher finally entered the classroom. The teacher introduced herself as Ms. Maya Yamada. She was wearing glasses and a green dress that matches her green hair.

She made a cheery introduction about IS Academy and telling everyone to have a fun school year but the students just gave her an awkward silence. Ms. Yamada was flustered about the awkward silence given by the students so she just quickly changed the topic by starting the class introduction.

The class introduction started with Ichika, and lets just say his introduction wasn't the best...

"M-my name is Ichika Orimura and...t-that is all!"

He was very nervous about the stares from all of the female students that he never made a proper self-introduction to the entire class. His lack of proper self-introduction also caused the rest of the class to be dissapointed.

"O-okay Orimura-kun, you can take a seat now."

Ms. Maya then told Ichika so sit back down to which he follows. After he sat down, Ms. Maya then looks at you who is still half asleep... you know what, you're already sleeping very deep right now...

Odd One Out (Male Reader X Infinite Stratos Harem)Where stories live. Discover now