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Author's Note: Here's another chapter. I apologize if it takes too long to update, not just because of school, but also videogames.


After telling some of your background and getting a fresh shower, you decided to get your military-grade laptop and roam around the internet to pass the time. And as you roamed around the net, you see yourself looking at a lot of trending stories about the first IS pilot being you, 'Hunter'.

"Well, it looks like I'm famous." You said, "Don't know if it's a good thing or not." You looked through multiple websites and saw most of them has at least one article or video talking about you. Seriously, Youtube's trending videos are mostly talking about you, about the duel with Cecilia, and even some videos analyzes your IS and how you fight.

"Hunter's IS is underpowered." You read a video's title before clicking it. The video discussed about how and why your IS is underpowered and even lookong through an old article of your IS having a flaw so that's why they had to remove the body and compensate for more firepower and protection. It also discussed how the battle was won on mainly by your own skills as a lot of people noticed that you turned off your IS.

It kinda scares you that a lot of people can make an accurate guess even though the real answer is still confidential...

Either way, you roamed around the internet for few more hours to truly discover your popularity and your thankful that most the media see's you in a positive light. But of course, every popular people are going to get some hate, like some articles and forums talking about you being a murderer for killing IS pilots despite them being terrorists, and claiming you as a killer for hire due to your background of being a mercenary despite killing people who commited crimes against humanity.

But those negative talks didn't bother at all since you've been bullied in the internet multiple times when you were young. And plus, your supporters are fighting off your haters until it became a flame war.

Not the flame war where two people fight, but the type of flame war where one argument causes other people to join the toxicness of the internet.

It was honestly amusing to read a civil argument slowly turning into an all out trolling.

*Knock* *Knock*

Someone was knocking at the door, so you'll have to abandon your little amusement. You left your laptop and went for your gun, but you quickly remembered that you're in IS Academy, which is heavily secured. But you also remembered that you've been revealed as 'Hunter', so it might possible that you've made an enemy in the student body for whatever reasons.

So you quickly brought your trusty revolver and pointed at the door as you open it.

"Who is it?" You asked the people in front of you which revealed to be two girls. And judging by the camera's they're carrying, chances are that they probably came from the photography club. And they're also scared that the fact that you're pointing your gun at them.

"Oh sorry, I thought someone was going to attack me when I open the door." You apologized as you holster your handgun.

"O-okay..." One of them said nervously, "Either way, we're from the newspaper club and we're requesting for an interview from the 'Hunter' himself." One of the girl said in a cheery manner, pretty much forgeting the moment you pointed a gun at them.

"An interview? Now?" You asked.

"Not here, at the cafeteria." The other girl with a camera answered.

"Well I was planning to get some food, so alright, I'll go. Just let me change my clothes." With that, you went back inside and changed your casual wear with cargo pants and jacket along with your little berret.

Odd One Out (Male Reader X Infinite Stratos Harem)Where stories live. Discover now