Chapter 1

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Lumine's pov
It's been months since me and kody got a little close, I don't recall calling him as a friend yet since it's his decision. So I just waited for him, meanwhile when I was looking out the window kody looked upset aside from that I spotted other kids whispering to each other as they looked at kody, they piss me off, I went downstairs to go outside. Then as I caught them they ran away like cowards do, I walked to kody then patted his back "hey kody what's wrong?" I asked with an pink blushed face, don't get me wrong it's just freezing outside to make my face this pink, "oh yeah" he replied he then stands up then went inside going up his room. I followed him to his room but he then turns around then said "are you just going to follow me wherever I go like a stalker?" he asked sarcastically, I stand there looking like an idiot then finally spoke "I'm sorry is it bothering you?" I asked "I'll stop if you want" I told him lookong away, he suddenly grabs my wrist then started to pull me closer to him, then I realized that he's hugging me like a teddy bear "sorry, and no I know your trying to look after me but isn't it causing you trouble I mean you risk so many lives for me lumine" he said I patted his back then chuckled, he looked at me as he pulled from the hug "it's OK kody, and besides I like being with you!" I said giving him a smile he blushed then closed the door, huh? Did I do something to upset him again? Ugh I'm so dead, I stepped away from his door way then went to mh room, tucking myself into my puppy form. Ahh this is all I need a goodnight sleep....

Kody's pov
I closed the door in front of lumine as I jumped on my bed hugging my pillow blushing. What the heck is this feeling? I don't know but I'll just ask dad about it tomorrow, for now I need to sleep since it's Friday I tucked myself on my bed then looked at my right side, but at the doorway awhile ago lumine is pretty adorable when he wiggles his tail and ears....AH! no kody stop! He wouldn't feel the same way even though I'll confess, I'll just remain him as my friend for now. I fell asleep then hugged on my pillow tightly making me blush more, ugh.. I can't sleep ill just go get some water to make me sleepy, I head downstairs rubbing my eyes I went to the kitchen seeing lumine drinking water as well, I hid as fast as I could so he couldn't catch me, after awhile I peeked again seeing him snoring at the table. Ugh stupid werewolf why are you even my bodyguard I walked towards him then gave him a blanket, then rubbed his hair 'so smooth' I thought I wanted to touch him more but it's getting more late I should probably drink water then go back to sleep, I blushed as I stare at him a bit longer then leaves, at the stairway I was going up when suddenly a hand grabbed my arm, I looked down the saw lumine holding my arm really tight I hold his arm shivering, I couldn't help but stare at him with his daring eyes and his cute ears and tail. Hm if only I could accept of being your friend, but u can't besides its cruel to accept you as my friend if I have these feelings inside me,i wanted to stay with you more than a friend, "hey lumine" I called "if your scared I could accompany you to your room" I said, he nodded still shivering as he hold on to the blanket I gave him, I blushed at that then proceed bringing lumine to his room "thanks k-kody" he said blushing red I front of me, jeez why are you so cute when you blush...your making me more lively you know I let go of his hand then waved him goodbye as I entered my room.

I jumped on my bed again trying to fall asleep, as I blushed hugging my pillow. I finally slept until the next morning,(the next day) my alarm clock rang loudly as I pressed it off still sleepy, huh that's weird why didn't lumine come to my room yet, he alway comes every morning to check on me, to be honest I miss his face and I missed him checking me every morning if I'm OK. I changed into my usual clothes then went downstairs, I sat on the couch to watch a movie since it's Saturday I grabbed the remote then turned on the TV, "hey kody" a voice called but it also sounds familiar I sit up straight then looked at the person calling me, as I saw him my eyes widened it was lumine "hey kody, do you have anything to do?" he asked I looked at the time saying 7:00 am, wow did I really slept that long? Oh well "no nothing really why?" I asked curiously "w-well, uh....since your dad, silver and sherry are going somewhere alone we must do something fun I guess" I he said making my face blush more, I want to do IT with him but it's too early for that. "yeah whatever" I replied as he pulled me to his room, I sat on his bed to wait for him to change, as he was changing I accidentally looked at him and stared long, those abs I can't believe it I said to myself I stared a bit longer then lumine started yelling "KODY!" he shouted I snapped out of it then went back to reality "kody are you alright should we stay home?" he asked worriedly that's what I like about him worrying about me all the time. It's cute and hot at the same time, wtf?! What am I saying?! This is not me, I slapped myself as lumine looked at me in confusion then ran tkwarsa me to stop myself from slapping "kody please stop, what are you doing?!" lumine asked I looked at his eyes for a moment then almost touched his lips,I covered my mouth to stop myself "kody I think we better stay at home, your acting really strange" he said he was about to change when I stopped him, he looked at me for a second then stepped backwards "k-kody?" he called "a-are you r-really OK?" he asked, I snapped out of it then realized that I was leaning close to lumine "ah! S-sorry, y-your right we better stay at home" I replied, he nodded then smiles I simply smiled back, then I left without saying a word I go straight to my room then locked the doors, everytime I get horny around lumine I masturbate, while I whisper his name.

"aahh~, L-lumine ngh.." I moaned it might be heard downstairs but lumine was doing his chores so he couldn't heat a thing, "haa....aah.....hah....lumine~~" I moaned, i suddenly felt my stomach tightened then my milk started to splurt a mess making the bed wet and dirty, ah crap guess I better clean this up. I went to the bathroom then grabbed a towel then cleaned my bed, as I was washing the towel I heard footsteps going to my room, I rushly ran to see who the person was but when I came in he was already there "L-lumine?!" I called he turned around looking at me with his beautiful eyes "kody what happened to your bed?" he asked I blushed then told him "I accidentally spilled milk while I was trying to fall asleep" he nodded then walks away. Wow that was close if he'd find out I don't know what I'll do, I went downstairs finding lumine but he's not here I sighed in relief then grabbed a bowl of cereal for breakfast, "hello kody did you see lumine around?" Aiden/dad asked as he looked around the room I answered with a 'no' then said "OK then, tell me if you find him" aiden/dad said as he leaves for work, hm...i wonder where lumine is I'm quite worried now, wait why do I care? I mean I do like lumine but I don't know if it's official yet if I liked him or not. I try to scoop a spoon of cereal then I realized that I already finished, I put my bowl on the sink then washed it, I went upstairs to play video games to see lumine cleaning my room, oh its lumine he's cleaning? I never seen him done this before, no wonder my room is always tidy "hey lumine" I called he gave me a cute stare then asked "what is it kody?" I blushed then said "nothing, but why are you cleaning my room your not my maid or something like that(I wish you'll be that'd be cute)" lumine looked confused as I spaced out, I snapped out of it then change into my jacket and sweat pants, "u-um, kody?" lumine called "hm?" I looked at him confused why is he covering his eyes? As I looked at myself I was half naked in front of him, my cheeks got redder after I changed quickly "s-sorry if you have t-to s-see that..."i told him he removed his hands then nodded with a simple smile, dammit kody I want him so bad "well I better go kody ill see you later" he said as he leaves my room trembling, huh? Why is he...and I noticed that it's the best way to follow him he always follows me around so I did too, I tiptoed behind lumine not letting him hear me then went out the door, hm I wonder where is he going I stayed behind lumine until we stopped in a forest wow lumine never told me about this, I guess he's just my bodyguard and he's afraid to tell me? I don't know I kept following lumine when we came across a group of werewolves, wow that's a big krew, is this his family or something relatives? Thoughts ran through my head then suddenly lumine was getting close to them so I hid in a tree so they can't notice that I'm following him, I can hear them from this distance so it's fine. "lumine how was kody?" the Grey werewolf asked, why do they asked that? "yes he's doing fine, although about our agreement of leaving him behind I don't want that it'll make him upset for me not making him happy" lumine said all the werewolves looked at each other then nodded "OK then lumine we'll let you stay with kody" he said "but in one condition, you must visit us if you have time OK?" the orange wolf said lumine nodded happily then walks away I followed him at his back still a little quiet until we reached our home.


Authors note:
Hello its me the author and I wanted to tell you that this is my first chapter so if you want to suggest more dirty scenes I'll do them
And also if you want to read my other stories that I made ill leave them here
>Cinderella is a gangster
>mystic messenger x reader OneShots
>Levi x Reader {Forced Marriage}
That's all for today everyone hope you enjoy and If you like this story add it on your library

Number of words:1967

Finally Found My Love Story [Kody X Lumine] Lemon ✔️COMPLETED✔️Where stories live. Discover now