Chapter 12

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Kody's pov
Me and lumine just finished showering until a doorbell was rang on the door, "babe I better answer the door meet at my room" I told him he answered with a "ok babe" then head to my room as he close the door

I went downstairs to open the door still wearing my towel, I opened the door revealing a girl that had lumine's hair color and ears, "um....who are you?" I asked politely "I'm lumine's fiance and I'm here to bring him home to get married" she answered with slight blushes on her face, "wh-what?" I said "I'm sorry but he's not here right now--" "no I know he's here I can smell him" she replied as she gave me a straight look "" I can't say something back so I better let her take a seat until I talk to lumine

"just wait here I'll just change and call babe-- I mean lumine" I said, that was close I shouldn't let her know that we're lovers or she'll be grossed out or something, I opened the door seeing lumine sitting on the bed, "hey babe" I called "you didn't tell me you have a fiance" I said tee looked at me confused, "oh you mean lucka yeah I refused to be her fiance but she cried like a spoiled brat so my mother accepted her" he replied "oh well she's downstairs waiting for you, she said she'll take you home to get married" I said looking down. Lumine got out of bed then hugged me "didn't I tell you I'm your lover and were official we must tell her that we're lovers and I promised I won't leave you right?" lumine said "yeah I guess you did" I answered, "good now let's talk to her what lovers used to do" he said as he gave me a serious face, "alright!" I replied

We head downstairs as lucka looked at lumine surprised, don't you dare get your hands on lumine, "LUMINE!! I'M SO WORRIED--" I stopped her from hugging lumine then said "stop don't hug lumine so suddenly his skins sensitive" she gave me an annoying look that every bitch should have, "lucka didn't I tell you were over I don't want to get married" lumine said "but your mother accepted it so you have to follow her orders" she replied as she smirked at me, "look lucka I'm just her son and I can do whatever I want this is my life and nothing else and my decision is to stay here" he said, lucka's eyes widened as she looked at me and lumine's hand holding in front of her "but lumine why?!" she shouted "I'm in love with kody and he's my lover" he replied "you mean this slut that has been seducing you?!?!" she shouted again, slut? The only slut around here is you you bitch "STOP KODY'S NOT A SLUT HE'S MY LOVER AND MY ONLY ONE!!" he answered back, she cried heavily then kneeled on his shoe "please lumine come home in begging you your family misses you" she said

"oh you mean that useless mother of mine who left me on the garbage isle on night? Yeah I don't miss them" he coldly answered, "lumine how dare you--" lumine suddenly grabbed lucka's hair saying "look you filthy bray if you come near me and my love life again I'll feed you to the dogs" he said as he gave her a straight face, she was terrified and ran outside getting her stuff, I patted lumine's back to make him calm down "babe i better go back to bed it's Saturday so I should rest a little" "no....your not going anywhere" he replied, I looked at him as he suddenly carried me to my room locking the door

"oi! Babe what's wrong with you?!" I said, he didn't say a word but tore my shirt off I was shocked of how lumine's face is like, is he crying?!? I tried to stop him but refused "babe come down I know what your feeling so stop acting" I said rubbing his back as I kissed his hair "I'm sorry babe your right you should go to bed I'm really sorry you must be tired" he said as he stands up going outside the door, I smirked then ran to lumine slamming the door

"your not going anywhere babe, we're not done yet" I said as I kicked his neck "I want to taste you first" I said he blushed then said "I'm sorry babe but your tired we must--" "I don't want to I want to taste you if I want to" I replied I pushed lumine on the bed slowly as I brushed his hair away from his eye, I can see lumine's face was fill with lust. "babe~~ I want to do you" I said, he nodded then embraces my neck pulling me closer to him. "then do your best to make me satisfied" he answered, I was surprised to see him say that while he blushed rapidly "heh....your really cute babe" I said as I kissed him roughly "mm... Hnnm~... AHH~.... Ngh" he moaned as he said "m-more, aahhh....give me more" he said I smirked then removed my boxers and pants "don't worry lumine I promise I won't be gentle anymore ill make love to you better that being gentle" I said as I liked his nipples "ngh!" he arched his back as I squeezed one of his nipples

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