Chapter 23

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Kody's pov
I wonder how's lumine doing?. I thought as I look out the window, as a frown was made on my face. "hm...." I mumbled

My dad then comes walking to me with my dinner. "hey kody I made dinner since you kept on thinking of lumine" dad said as he placed the tray on the bedside table then prepared the utensils. I sighed then looked out my window, I then gazed to lumine's window seeing him and another guy talking, I was angry and upset at the same time I didn't know whee was I really feeling but I think this is what dad called


An Hour Later

Lumine's pov
I told azen everything. Then gave him an upset look, after that he held my hand giving me shivers then leaned closely

"what are you doing?" I asked softly not giving him the frights

"were the same" he whispered

My eyes widened then looked at him in shock, "wha--?!" I said then facepalmed he chuckles then sit properly swiping the dust off his shirt "you think I would marry a guy that has troubles? Now way haha....besides I have someone special at home" he said as blushed formed around his cheeks I smirked then sat close to him

"so who is this special someone?" I asked teasingly

"nah....i shouldn't tell ya it's a trap" he said as we both laughed

"come on if you tell yours I'll tell mine. I promise" I replied then raised my right hand, he smiled simply then said "promise?" I nodded "promise" I responded. "okay....." he replied, I sat down then leaned closer so I could hear his voice clearly

"so this guy's name has beautiful hair, it's like the color of the season 'fall' and he's kind and kept every secret that I told him" he said as he touched his cheeks. I chuckled then asked "may I ask the name?" he looked at me for a moment then covered his mouth "come on you can tell me we have the same problem remember?" I reminded, he rolled his eyes hilariously then remixed his hands "alright then. But you must tell anyone even my dad, my mom knows but dad doesn't" he said "huh? Why?" I asked curiously "because he hates me being with someone he hasn't met yet" he whispered "oh okay" I replied "so am I going to say it or not?" he asked

"SAY ITTT!!!" I yelled then azen suddenly covers my mouth, "okay, okay not so loud" he said then leaned

"his names Elijah"

My jaw dropped then stared at the wall for minutes, azen shook me a couple of times then finally slapped me. I snapped out of me spacing out then responded "y-yes!" I shouted, he laughed ten punched me softly "why are you so shocked anyway?" he asked I rubbed the back of my neck then smiled awkwardly, he started to narrowed his eyes at me then crossed his arms

"lumine is there something your not telling me?" he asked still narrowing his eyes, I smiled awkwardly then tapped his shoulder, "well I do have a bit of a relationship with your y'know" I said "you mean Elijah?" he said "what relationship? Are you his ex? Are you his--" I cut him off

"relax azen I'm not his ex" I answered properly. "then what?" he asked curiously worried "I'm just his childhood friend and nothing else okay?" I answered, he sighed then stood up "well....thats good I thought it was something else" he said, and that's when I thought "wait....are you the reason Elijah's here?!" I yelled as I grabbed his hand "huh? What do you mean?" he asked "Elijah's here kody told me when we're on a date" I said as he smiled bugger than ever "really?!" he said closing his hands together

"how about let's go see him after dinner?" I asked

"that'd be great" he replied

At Dinner

"oh boys finally. The turkey just finished" my mother said happily. "really? Then shall we eat?" azen asked as he smirked at me, I smirked back then answered "gladly" I replied, and that's when I saw a light aura glowing around mother she seems to notice us again I think, only I can see people's emotions by just looking at them. I got this ability from my father so no biggie and I'm also thankful foe that.

Me and azen walked to the dinning room then sit beside our parents. Mother stood up then pinged the glass  "alright ladies and gentlemen before we begin may my son start a preater for this family feast" she said then whispered "do your best son" she winked at me then stood up straight ght as she looked at the father's

I stood up too. Then grabbed a glass of whine which is part of our tradition in other countries they use water for their kids to drink so they can't get sober. "may you all please stand up and say the prayer with me" I said shyly but azen was there to support me giving me a thumbs up and a smile, the other guys notice me and azen quite close but I think that's not a big deal

After dinner

"WOW that turkey was good, your mom's a good cook if I should say so myself" azen said with a funny voice, we both laughed then head to our rooms "I can't wait to see my Elijah and also I can't wait to meet your lover" he said happily. As I heard the word lover my smile begins to fade and turns into a frown, "yeah...." I said in a soft and upset tone azen soon went up to me then stood me up

"lumine? Is everything okay?" he asked

"huh? Wha--"

"you can tell me after all we're friends aren't we?"

"yes I guess we are but I can't talk about it right now I'm feeling sick"

"oh ok guess we just have to meet Elijah tomorrow then"

"no....around midnight Elijah is awake so let's just set our alarm then go to bed"

"oh okay hope this works then!"

"yeah hope it does"


hey guys sorry it's short hope you read my announcement before I post this chapter
I have nothing to say but this I'm busy gud bye


Finally Found My Love Story [Kody X Lumine] Lemon ✔️COMPLETED✔️Where stories live. Discover now