The Good Life

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Hey guys! So this is the next chapter. I am doing a few shout outs over the next few chapters for them giving me the ideas of what to do next. For this chapter the shout outs go to.....*drumroll*..... EverlastingFandoms and Sarabear9336! Thank you so much! The next two or three chapters will have shout outs as well.

Please comment and enjoy!


Third Person POV

It was a normal day at Camp Half-Blood, the sun was shinning, campers were playing and chatting, and the head councilors were having a meeting.

"As you know there was another prophecy." Spoke a man with a torso as a human and from there the body of a white horse. "You are all gathered here to discuss what the prophecy might me and who it is about."

"Well I think we should hear it again, then decipher it." Said a blond girl with intelligent grey eyes.

"I agree." Remarked a deadly pale boy with long messy dark hair and chocolate brown eyes.

A red head with green eyes spoke next. "Well then, here it goes. (It's not going to rhyme I suck at rhyming)

Old enemies will rise again,

to flame and water a shadow trusts.

From the shadows a boy will travel to find those he trust more than anything or than the light.

Flame and water, shadow and light, will defeat old enemies with the help or heroes from the mortal world as well the demi world.

Friends that were betrayed will come and go,

the four of dreams will unite and become gods."

"Thank you Ms. Dare. Now what do you think it's all means?" Asked the centaur.

Everyone who was gathered sat in silence for a few minutes till one brave soul spoke up. "I know some might be thinking it, but I'm going to say it. What if flame and water mean Leo and Percy and shadow means Nico and light means Will. I'm only saying this because I know for a fact Nico has been in communication with Percy and Leo and trust them almost as much as he trust Will."

"Nyssa! Why would you tell them that?! That was supposed to be a secret!" Shouted the pale boy.

"I said it Nico because we need them for the quest and as well as you. And you are the only one who has communicated with them!" Nyssa shouted back.

"Well I'm not the only one now am I?! I know you have been communicating with Leo as well. You and your entire cabin have been in communication with both Leo and Percy, behind everyone else's back!" Nico and Nyssa shouted back and forth like this for another minute until Jason and Hazel broke them apart.

"Relax both of you right now!" Shouted Annabeth. "You are both are at fault here for not telling us you have been in communication with them. How could you not tell us?"

"Well it could be the fact that both you Annabeth and Calypso broke their hearts and both of their parents had a huge fight with them that no one knows what happened in. Only that they disappeared after the fight. And I assume it was because of you too. So yeah, Nyssa and I have the right as well as the entire Hephaestus cabin to not tell you that we are in communication with them." Anger growing in Nico's voice as he spoke as he spoke. You could literally see it radiating off of him.

"Nico! Calm down." Said Will as put his hands on Nico's shoulders and started to rub them.

"Will..." Nico started before Will cut him off.

"Nico you need to relax. Okay? I'm here with you." Will said soothing him. "I'll be with you on this quest. Okay?" Will glared at everyone in the room and nodded because they all knew not to disagree with Will when it came to Nico and Nico's well being.

"Okay, how about we move on to the faze, when old enemies rise again." Suggested Piper with a hint of charm speak in her voice. Which made everyone in the room nod.

"There are so many monsters we have defeated before it could be anyone of them or it could something or someone that the gods defeated." Annabeth pondered out loud.

"That is probably it. But we still can't be sure. For all we know it could even be some Hercules defeated." Replied Piper. She really hated Hercules after she found out what kind of person he really was.

"Alright well unfortunately for us we don't know any mortal heroes but we can assume that the demi world is our world and we can also assume that four people will become gods." Replied Mr. D, trying to wrap up this meeting since he had to go because his favorite show Supernatural had a new episode coming on tonight.

"I hope it's not us." Snarked Nico on loud enough for Will to hear. But all Will could do to respond was nod. He wondered just like everyone else in that room, even Mr. D, who are the four of dreams?

-----------Time Skip----------

Nico and Will got there bags packed and walked up to the top of the hill next to Thalia's tree.

Annabeth, Chiron, Piper, Jason, Frank, Hazel, and surprisingly Conner and Travis were waiting for them at Thalia's tree to see them off.

"Are you sure about this?" Hazel said with a bit of uncertainty and concern for the quest her brother is about to go on.

"Yeah. I'm sure." Replied Nico as he slowly looked his sister in the eyes. Knowing that they probably wouldn't see each other in a while.

"You ready?" Asked Will. All Nico could do was nod in reply.

Everyone gave each other cards and Conner and Travis tried to steal their wallets but Chiron caught them right away. After all he has had many Hermes kids in camp before.

"Goodbye, everyone. We'll IM you when you find something." Said Will as he grabbed Nico's hand and pulled him into a kiss.

"Awww" Everyone said. Which caused Nico he look down an blush but Will held his head high and smiled.

Nico grabbed Will's hand and pulled him down the hill.

Time to start the quest.

Hey guys sorry I updated so late in the day. I've been trying to find out the right things to say in this and I already got ideas for the next chapter.

Tell me what you think the prophecy means.

Don't forget to comment and review.


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