The What Bell?

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I hope you all enjoy.  Please comment and review.  I take all opinions seriously so I can improve my writing. :)

Steve's POV

I decided to make myself in charge of this little band.  Though it only consisted of Clint, Natasha, and myself.

As we were making our way to Roxbury, New York.  It was about a an hour drive with afternoon traffic and getting lost a few times.  But overall we got to our destination.

We waited in the car a crossed the street for the auto shop owned and operated by Leonidas Valdez.  The shop was called Ogygia Auto Repair.  Strange name.

"So are we just going to sit here and wait until what?"  Asked Clint.  He really seems antsy today.  I wonder why.

Looking around the lot I noticed that there was no one here.

"Alright, let's go."  I said as I was opening the car door and stepping onto the dirt road.  We walked our way up the dirt road to what looked like the man building , which had lights on and we could hear music playing.  Was that Adel?

As we got to the entrance of the building was sure of a few things.  One this place is messy, in a auto shop - repair way.  Two the music was definitely Adel. And three, there was someone under a car working.

As I relooked over the room I noticed that there were blueprints for something.  But, what really caught my eye was that there was a bell on the way and it said "The Ringith Bell, Ring three times if your a costumer, four if your someone I know, five for someone else."

So I did what any sane person in my shoes would do.  I rang the bell five times.

Which surprisingly worked.

The person who was under the '89 black mustang pushed his way out.  It was the same guy we came here to get.  Lucky us.

Natasha's POV

As soon as the kid pushed his way out from under the car he stood up.  He had cargo pants on, a white long sleeve shirt with the sleeves rolled to his elbows and a pair of suspenders.  He was covered in grease and had a pair of googles of his face until he moved them to the top of his head.

He looked at us with a bit of curiosity.  "What's up?" He asked. Looking at all of us.

I took a step forward and spoke, "We need you to come with us.  By choice or by force."  To my surprise he laughed.

"What?  You want me to come with you?  I mean honestly, who do you people think you are to say that to a teenage who is trying to run his own business?"  He had this annoying smile on his face that made you want to smile as well.  But I restrained myself.  I looked at the boys and could see they were doing the same.  

"Come willingly or we will be forced to use force."  Steve said as he took a step towards the kid.

 "Leonidas, we really don't want to hurt you but we will if you don't come willingly."  I looked straight at the kid with the most serious face I could muster.  Which just made the kid smile even more.  Who was this guy?

"Three things.  One I'm not going with you.  Two how do you know my name?  And three who are you guys?"  Said Leonidas as he just stared at us with disbelief with that annoying smile on his face.

"I guess we are doing it the hard way."  Said Clint as he took out his bow.  Steve got his fist ready and I got my daggers. 

He just laughed.  The kid just laughed.  Why the hell was this kid was just laughing?  Wasn't he afraid?  Or at least knew who they were?

I looked at Steve and Clint and we just nodded.  We knew exactly what each other was thinking.  Clint was to somehow get up the platform of the stairway.  Steve would go at the kid from the front and I would go from the back.

Clint made his way to the stair case as fast as he could.  I slinked my way into the shadows whole Steve just stood there staring at Valdez and Valdez staring back at him.  

Once we were all in position, which took ten seconds, we moved in on the kid.  Clint started to shot off arrows, Steve charged the kid to tackle him.  I came up from behind and was ready to trank him. 

Valdez dodged all the arrows with ease but had a harder time getting away from a charging Steve, which caused him to fall right into my arms as he tripped over a wrench that was lying on the floor.  

As he fell into my arms I injected the sedative into him.  I saw his eyes roll back in head and his body went limp. 

"Good job everyone.  Know let's get him back to Stark Towers."  Steve said as he was grabbing Leonidas body from my arms.

Thanks everyone for reading.  I might not be updating as fast or as soon.  Finals are next week and a week and a half after that I'll be in L.A.

Please comment and review.

I hope you enjoyed it


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