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Steve's POV

When I first looked at the files I thought, Okay so this will be a normal assignment.  But then I looked closer at the files.  My next though was, What the hell!!! 

I looked around the rooms at everyone elses faces they all read similar expressions, even Peter's, They're just kids.

I heard a few of the others talking but I was to deep in thought to listen.

Why were we ordered to go after two kids?  How many years have these kids been on the watch list?  There just kids.  How many schools?  Look at all that Foster Care this kid has been through.  Why?  How could these kids cause so much damage?  Why were they traveling the world?  

I must have been lost in thought for a while because I heard Tony ask, "So are we going to sit around all day or go get some kids?"

We all nodded in agreement.

"I think we should go after them one at a time."  Natasha said, leaning forward in her chair.

The next person to speak was unexpected, well at least to me.  "I think we should send one person to his mother's apartment because he will most likely be there.  The person will then talk to his mom into letting him come with us, but we will need to take a sedative.  He needs to think that his mom could be in danger, yet she wouldn't be at all.  She can talk him into coming with us and take the sedative for his saftey and for ours if he is dangerous.  So the one I think that we should go after is Perseus Jackson, he is in Manahatton which makes it easier to grab him."  After he finished talking we all were staring at Peter.

Did he honestly just say that?

"That actually is a good idea."  I heard Clint say.  I was still in shock at what Peter just said.

"I agree."  I said.  "We should do exactlly what Peter suggested except, I think at the same time a few of us should be going to get Leonidas at the same time so it makes it faster and we can get it done in one day."

Tony turned to look up at me and said "I'll go get Perseus.  Cap., Tasha, and Clint you go get Valdez.  While Bruce, Thor, and Peter you'll stay here and get two interrogation and holding rooms ready.  We leave now.  Come back when you have the targets."  He looked at the rest of the group as spoke his eyes wondering from person to person.

We all got up and went our separate ways.

Tony POV

I stood outside the apartment building and looked up.  I though, Wow. I honestly didn't know what else to think.  It looked a bit better than most apartment buildings in the area but I didn't know what to think.

I walked into the building and took the stairs.  I felt as if I needed the excerise.  Once I got to the floor the apartment was on I walked to the aparatment number and knocked on the door.

I saw the familiar face of my little twin sister, Sally. 

"Hi Sally.  Long time no seee."  I said with a smile on my face.  It was genuine, I truly was happy to see her.

She gave me a long hard look then gave me a bear hug.  We just stood there hugging for a while.  She whispered in my ear and said "I missed you too."

Sally let go and and we both just stood there smiling at each other.  "Come in, come in." She said.

 I did as she told me.  Her home was beautiful and just perfect for her.  I noticed on the counter and island that there were blue cookies and muffins.  I could help but let out a laugh.  I tried to muffle it but it didn't work. 

Sally turned around still smiling, "What?" She said. 

I pointed at the counter still smiling and asked "What are those?  Blue food?"

"Yeah.  My former ex-husband said there was no such thing as blue food so me and my son deciede to prove him wrong.  I'm remarried by the way."  She said as she was walking into the living room.

"Son?!"  I was shocked yet not shocked at the same time.  I mean that was the reason I was hear but hearing from her that she has a son and hasn't told me, is just shocking.

"That's the reason your here isn't it.  You're here becasue of Percy."  She said with complete calmness in her voice.  She gestured for me to sit down on the coach next to her. 

"I came here on orders to bring him for questioning but he has to be under sedation, for his saftey and for ours."  I said this with a grim look on my face.  I couldn't look her in the eyes so I stared at the floor.  Thinking that would help but it didn't.

"It's alright.  You wouldn't believe how many times this has happened before, well not as directly as this but yeah."  She didnt seem to badly fazed but she was fazed.  I mean her own brother just asked if he could take her son and sedate him.  She should be mortified but she wasn't.  Which was really confusing.

We talked for hours, she expalined a bit about her and Perseus life to me. (A/N NOT THE PART ABOUT BEING A DEMIGOD)

There was a knock on the door and then it opened.  A teenaged boy came in where jeans and a blue hoodie.  For some reason he kept his eyes to the floor.  He walked straight to his room but said, "Sorry I didn't tell you I was leaving this morning.  I'm going to go to sleep. Night."

Sally looked into my eyes a look that said, I'm going to go in after him and talk to him, please stay here.

I watched as she got up and went into her son's room.  I sat there for about five minutes, until I got the feeling that I should go in there.

Sally gave me a look a recogintion and moved herself to the head of the bed and sat Perseus head into her lap.  She whispered in his ear as she stroked her head.  I couldn't hear what she said to him but she gave me a nod and I gave him the sedative.  He fell alseep instantly.

I called me a car and and I talked to Sally for a few more minutes and we hugged good bye.  I carried Perseus down to the car and laid him in the back seat.  I got into the seat acrossed from him and told Jarvis to drive.

We were on our way back to Stark Towers.

Thank you for reading! Please comment and review. 

I will try to update weekly


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