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This is my first fanfic, so I hope you like it.  Please comment and tell me what you think!

Nick Fury POV

I was looking at two files of two teens who could not be older than seventeen.

S.H.I.E.L.D. has had their eyes on these two boys for a while now, Leonidas Valdez and Perseus Jackson. I personally wondered why two teens were on the S.H.I.E.L.D.s most wanted list. The council told that those two need to be brought in and I could do what I wish with them. So I called the Avengers to a meeting, which I planned to throw down the files on the table and leave. I made files for each of them so they don't have to fight like last time to get the file.

That was funny.

Tony's POV

We were all called to a meeting for who knows why. I was generally upset about having to leave my new project. I was so close to finishing it.

When I first walked in the room, everyone was already. As usual.

"Finally." I heard Steve mutter under his breath as I sat down in my chair a crossed from him. Then low and behold Fury walked in.

He walked up to the center of the table, tossed two separate stacks of files on the table and said, "Find them and bring them in." He started to walk out but stopped, turned his head slightly and said "Each of you get two files. So don't fight over them." Then gave his famous glare which made he shiver.

As he left the room. I got up and took a file from each stack, as did everyone else. As I got back to my seat and opened both of the files and looked at them in disbelief. I looked around at the others and they all had the same look.

"How could we possibly go after two kids?" Asked Clint.

"They can't be more than seventeen." Spoke Banner in a concerned voice. He obviously was against going after two teenagers.

"We just have to bring them in and question them." Natasha said out of the blue, seeming unfazed. "But two kids?"

That was a new voice.

I sat there in utter silence just staring at the file of this Leonidas kid. "Mom died when he was eight when the family auto shop burned to the ground with her in it. Aunt took him in, even though she told police that she though he killed her sister. After a few months spent with his aunt, he ran away. From there he bounced from foster home to foster home. Where then ended up at Wilderness School. Which is a school for delinquents. Where he disappear with two others kids and a teacher on a school field trip to the Grand Canon. Has only been spotted here and thereacross the globe over the past year and a half." I read his file out loud summing up a couple of details.

"So are we going to sit around all day or go get some kids?" I asked unenthusiastically.

Thanks everyone for reading. Please vote and comment.

This is my first fanfic and cross over. I hope you enjoyed it. :)

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