Meet Boss Wolf and Wile E Coyote

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In another office , the general Boss Wolf. He was muscular , dark , has a black eye , and wears dark armor. He was looking at the animal wrecking ball that Timon let go of.

 He was looking at the animal wrecking ball that Timon let go of

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Boss Wolf- Workers. They're weak. They lack discipline. Lack commitment ...

He slams his paw on his other paw

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He slams his paw on his other paw. Then his Colonel, Wile E. Coyote . He's two inch shorter than him. His fur is light brown and white and his eyes are yellow. He's thin . He was beside him.

And Shadow was in the same room with them.

Shadow- General , I know there's been a glitch or two but  everybody is working full tilt as it is and--
Boss Wolf cuts him off as he slams his fist on the table , startling him and Wile.

Boss Wolf- You can't help it. It's your nature. But in spite of your limitations , you are going to finish this tunnel on schedule ! Come Hell or high water . Anyone who falls behind is going to have to explain themselves to Colonel Wile . And let me assure you , the colonel is not as understanding as I am. Dismissed.

Shadow growls as he turns around and leaves the room.

Boss Wolf- Four more days , Wile. Four more days. Then we can bid final farewell to their kind of incompetence .

Wile- ( nods ) Yes sir.

Boss Wolf- A fresh start. Imagine it !

Boss Wolf faces the window.

Wile- A strong colony , sir.

Boss Wolf- A colony we can be proud of.

Wile- Yes , but we're not there yet.

Boss Wolf turns around back at Wile and walks up to him.

Boss Wolf- Wile , we just got word from the hyena army has mobilized against us.

Wile- Against us ?

Boss Wolf- We'll have to send troops , deep into hostile territory... Attack their pack.

Wile- Attack their pack , sir ? That's suicide.

Boss Wolf- Exactly.

Then one of the wolves , like him but thinner , came in , holding an envelope.

Then one of the wolves , like him but thinner , came in , holding an envelope

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Boss Wolf- Do you have the list I asked for ?

Wolf guard- Yes sir. These are the units. Loyal to the queen.

Boss Wolf- Hmm... Then they're the ones we'll be sending . It's a shame. There are some fine officers here.

Wile- Don't we need the queen's approval to declare war ?

Boss Wolf - Our very next stop , Wile.

Wile smirks evilly . Then Wile and Boss Wolf left to speak with the queen.

To Be Continued.....

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