Chapter 2: Remember!

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(Sorry for the crappy chapter titles xD But here we go!)

Marshall sat down opposite gumball, lounging on the sofa. "Didn't I already tell you what I wanted?" He smirked . It was becoming too much for Gummy to withstand. 

"Why do you want me though?" He said with a bored expression on his face "I don't understand what you could possibly wan-"

Marshall put a finger to gumballs lips, which made him shiver. Even now, Marshalls touch still felt icy cold... But somehow, warm and comforting. Gumball flushed a little, then turned his face away to hide it, pushing away Marshalls finger.

"Who wouldn't want you bubba?" He asked rhetoricaly going back to the posittion he was sat in before "Don't you remember our agreement?"

"What agreement?" He asked all defensively "And don't call me Bubba. It's weird." He said hugging himself a little.

Marshall laughed off his comment "I think it's cute and it really suits you, Bubba." 

Gumball decided not to argue, with someone like him... It was just easier not to. 

Marshall looked serious for a second "Are you serious about not remembering our agreement?" He said "I thought you were just joking... I mean, they said you got all your memories back..." 

Gumball shrugged "Well, clearly I havent or your making this up just to get on my nerves." He said sighing "What happened...?" He asked looking at Marshall almost like the way he used to.

Marshall sighed. He wanted his Bubba back, he wanted Gumball to call him Marshie again, he wanted to hold him like he used to and see Gumballs smile again. He almost couldn't bare it. He looked down at the ground, going through all their memories together, wishing things could be the same. It was hard to come to the candy kingdom and have Bubba treat him like some sort of imposter and everyone seemed to be on a mission to make Gumball never remember how they used to be. And it stung, he had a heavy burden on his heart. He then felt something spill from his eye. A tear had spilled from his eye and landed on the carpet below him. He couldn't believe he was being so... so pathetic.

"M-Marshall! Are you alright!?" asked Gumball rushing to Marshalls side and placing a hand on his shoulder. That was the tipping point for Marshall and the tears overcame him. It was hard to face his lover, when he didn't remember how they were. It was hard to feel Bubba's touch, knowing he could never touch him back. He couldn't do it. 

Marshall stood up and sniffed "I-I'm going home..." He said using one of his sleeves to wipe away his tears. But suddenly he felt something tug at his arm. Gumball had suddenly grabbed his arm as he walked away. [W-What is he-] 

"Make me remember." Said gumball sternly, looking straight at Marshall. "I want to remember."

Marshall turned slowly."R-Really?" He said taking a step closer to him.

Gumball looked up at him and nodded "Please."

Marshall looked down at him and gently placed a hand on Bubba's cheek, looking into his eyes. Gumball blushed, but refused to let himself look away from those simply irresistable deep red eyes Marshall had. Gently, Marshall leaned down to Gumballs face and gently their lips connected.

(Next chapter will be revealing what happened. What the agreement was and why Gumball dosent remember anything. So STAY TUNED!

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