A Rainy Day

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            *playing faintly in the background*

Wayo twirls on his toes and sways his hips from side to side as he hums and sings along the melody. This song never gets old no matter how many new songs are composed for his favorite anime.

He flips the pancake in a swift movement and pours the coffee freshly made from the coffeemaker into two cups as he prepares a perfect breakfast to reward his perfect boyfriend on a perfect Sunday morning with a perfect rainy weather for trying hard in his exams while without forgetting to attend his need.

By perfect weather in Wayo's dictionary, it means heavy rain with occasional lightning and thunderclap and the wind howling outside. Call him crazy but he just loves to chill reading his favorite one piece manga with a cup of hot chocolate dipped with marshmallows, a humongous comforter warping around his body in a room where the air conditioner is set to the lowest temperature as possible enjoying the noise of raindrops hitting the surface of his veranda and all the flat surfaces outside.

Can you imagine how peaceful would it be? Well, that was before he got into relationship with Phana. Thinking back, he never had the chance to chill long enough with his boyfriend with all the tutorials and assignments they had to deal with. But today, it seems like luck is on their side. aThey laze around all for all they want without worrying anything.

A smile crawls on Wayo's face as he thinks about the time he's gonna spend with his boyfriend any time soon and plays his another favorite song. This time he grabs a spoon to use as his mic and bends his body sixty degrees as he mouths the lyrics.

Classes are canceled for the day, since apparently, there's a mild typhoon incoming if the weather forecast was correct and it seems just like it. With the exams finishing just yesterday, Wayo thought it was the best opportunity to prepare the breakfast in bed and pamper his drop-dead gorgeous boyfriend. Wayo glances at the clock which is showing ten to nine. Hmmm just perfect. He thought to himself as he finishes making breakfast by the kitchen counter.


Wayo jumps a little bit as he gasps and drops his spoon with a loud clank when he notices he has an audience.

"Ah! P'Pha!" Wayo pouts as he stomps his foot adorably, "why didn't say you were here?!" He folds his arms on his chest.

Phana just smiled, "Sorry, you were just too adorable"

"Since when you were sitting there?"

"Ever since you started playing those songs."

Wayo gasps, "but I turned down the volume. It shouldn't be too loud." Wayo frowns as he checks the volume.

Phana chuckles as he walks to Wayo and takes the plates and helps Wayo set the table. "Sure it wasn't loud but ever since you started singing and your little solo show, you woke me up from my beauty sleep," Wayo just watches Phana's every movement shifting around the kitchen as he sets the table with a pout on face thinking about how his plan was ruined.

Squealing internally, Phana pecks both Wayo cheeks and his lips, "definitely the best way to wake up" Wayo's face lightens up a little bit, "good morning baby", Phana gives another kiss on the tip of Wayo's nose.

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