Chapter 10

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Yano's POV

Slowly, I get to know more about her but I still don't want her to know who I am because I was too afraid she might go away when she knew I hurt Taya's feelings. It's a long time ago but I don't know how will she react when it's revealed, but this kind of relationship is better than knowing me formally. Sorry emotionless boy-cut hair coffee girl but it's better this way. 

Even though I found you first, I feel envious to the guy who approached you I thought I might never talk to you again. You were happily mopping the floor in the cafe, going home happily, I gotta admit, he coloured your dull life. But then he suddenly disappeared, I tried to make your feelings enlightened but that was a mistake. Bringing you to karaoke bar and seeing you drunk is a big mistake, she took my camera and take pictures of me,

"How does that feel? Huh? Being taken a stolen photo!" she said

"That's enough!" I took my camera from her 

"Wait, I was just having fun!" she said

"I'll bring you home"

"No, I can go home alone, no, I don't wanna go home"

"You should, you're too drunk, I'll drive you home"

"You know what, even though you are rude, always confusing me, making my life miserable, I like you, do you like me? I like you very much"

True or not, I carried her all the way to my car, took her phone and texted Taya, 'What's your address?'

She closed her eyes but keep on ranting,

"Why do you always come to rescue me? You're a stranger right? Why would I go at the karaoke with a stranger? I must be desperate, Ah, 'cause I'm a lonely loner, that's why, no one like me,"

I looked at her in a second, look at the drive way and said, "I like you"


As we arrived, I removed the seatbelt but she kissed me and whispered while caressing my cheek, "Thank you"

I was speechless but I bring her to her apartment and saw Taya again after years. We were both shook but she hit my arms when I lie the emotionless boy-cut hair coffee girl to the couch,

"What did you do to her?" Taya asked,

"I brought her here" I said

"Are you always with her?" she was asking me with an angry look on her face


She punched me in the face, pointed her finger on me said, "Don't you ever go near her!" 

"Taya, when you're about to tell her the truth, about the past, please give this to her" I gave her a ticket to the opening art gallery.

That's when I will properly talk to her and clear things. It's almost three weeks since I hang out with her, I was busy finishing my masterpiece so I can finally put it in the gallery, a mosaic of her picture I have taken when we were together. I was quietly taking a picture of her enjoying what she does, the moment I realized that taking a picture of her makes my world colorful. She didn't know how meaningful it is to me to make her my subject, because in her, I found the beauty of human and their emotions. She received the ticket and went to the gallery, I explained her everything and I thought, this is the day of my rejection, a day where I can finally face the consequence of what I did to Taya, I was so afraid then to tell her the truth but it's now or never.

Years after, the bell was ringing from the church, there I saw Luka, walking down the isle, happily, I took a picture of her but she wasn't the highlight of the wedding, it was her friend, Raven and Chloe as I recall, and I saw the guy who broke her heart, as a grown up man. I happened to be the photographer of this wedding,

"Congratulations on your wedding," Luka said

"Thank you Luka, you've been a good friend" Chloe said

Luka's POV

I was so happy to see them ended up together, 

"Luka?" a voice from the back called and it sounded familiar

"Hm?" I looked back

"Do you remember me?" he said


"It's been such a long time huh?"

"Yeah, how are you by the way?"

"I'm fine"

"Wait, why did I ask that, I always see you on the internet"

"Oh, hahahaha, that's nice"

"But really, how's life?"

"Good, I've been traveling for months now"

"You only?"

"No, with my boyfriend"

"Oh, I see, you have a boyfriend now,"

Suddenly, Yano eavesdropped and kissed my forehead,

"Yes, and he's right here" Yano said

"Well, congratulation" Howard said,

You see, I got too many rejections in life. I thought I was not lucky especially in love life. But I thought of exerting effort in everything I do and it will be rewarded as long as you persevere, well this is not just a story about romance but a story of what will you achieve when you started accepting rejection and move on to the next level. Rejection is accepting what is not meant to be and it opens the door of opportunities. I thank you

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