Love Hurts: Prologue- Pain

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Prologue: Pain

Sarah's POV:

I looked up at the sky, thinking of nothing. I was laying in the sunshine, in the grass. I was sitting on a cliff, so high up, I felt like I could almost touch the sky, and for the first time, I felt happy. Yet, even with my happy thoughts, there was also some bad. And then the thought suddenly hit me-

'Does anyone care anout me...?'

Then another thought came to me and I thought-

'Has anyone ever wanted me around...?'

I sat up and walked close to the edge of the cliff, looking over the edge. "Who am I kidding?" I whispered, "no one has ever cared about Sarah Schurman. If they did,why aren't they looking for me? I have been gone for two weeks." I moved slightly closer to the edge. "I can't do this anymore, I can't go home, they will hurt me if I go back there." I whispered, tears leaking out of my eyes.

Suddenly, a voice called from behind me. "You don't have to do this," the male voice said, becoming clearer with each word.

"No one's ever cared about me, no one has ever cared about Sarah," I whispered, I turned my head slightly, not enough to look at his face but enough so he would be able to hear what I was saying. "I have to do this, it's for the best," I said, then I paused slightly before I jumped into the icy ocean.

'Oh my god!' my frazzled brain thought as the water rushed up at a very fast pace to meet me. 'I'm so stupid,' my brain whispered to me as my body crashed into the icy water. 'Why the hell did I do that?

I tried to swim to the surface and got pushed back under as a large wave crashed over my head, but when I tried to get a breath of air, I got a lungful of salty water instead. I felt groggy and a little bit of grey were around the edges of my eyes as I tried to save my own drowning body.

Distantly, I could hear someone calling my name, but no matter how much I tried to answer, I couldn't. everytime I tried, more water got into my lungs and they didn't hurt anymore from trying to hold in water. I got a strange detached feeling, in my body and then, everything faded to black.

Timothy's POV:

When I saw that Sarah was missing on the news, I immediately looked for her wherever I went. We were childhood friends, too bad her brother hated me and burned all my letters to her or we would still be in touch. When I saw the long, dark brown hair and the fair skin at the top of the cliff get up, and peer over the edge, I ran towards the figure, instantly knowing who it was.

"Sarah!" I called bursting into the grassy area of the cliff. "You don't have to do this; there are people out there who love you.

"No one's ever cared about me, no one has ever cared about Sarah," she whispered, denying everything I just said to try to get her to get the hell off this damn cliff. I knew that I should have heard her words perfectly fine, but they were barely auditable to my ears. Then she turned her head slightly so I could hear her as she spoke. "I have to do this, it's for the best," she said, and then she turned back to the water with a little bit of hesitation, and threw herself into the stormy ocean.

"Sarah!" I yelled, instantly scrambling down the edge of the cliff to get to her. When I was close enough to the water, I jumped in, with all my clothes on, not giving a thought to how expensive they were, all I cared about was trying to find her; I had to find Sarah. Suddenly, I saw her dark brown hair float on the surface for a split second before it disappeared again. I swam quickly towards her and dove underwater, able to grab her and pull her up enough so her face was out of the water. When I had wrapped my arm firmly around her waist, I pulled her limp body to the surface. "Wake up!" I told her, nearly shouting in her ear. Her chest wasn't moving, and she wasn't breathing.

I was looking around frantically for someone anyone to help when I heard a boat and paused only long enough to see that it had the red and white on it, indicating that it was indeed a rescue boat. "Help!" I called, waving one of my arms above my head to get their attention so I could get Sarah some help to save her life. "Help! She's not breathing!" I shouted as the boat slowed, and people leaned over the railing to get us out of the water. I forced myself to swim towards the boat and allow Sarah to be taken from me so she could get some medical attention.

When I climbed in, I looked at her face. "Sarah," I whispered. They wouldn't let me near her; they made me stay back as they did CPR. The person kept on repeatedly breathing air into her lungs so he could get the water out so she could pull air into her lungs again. I breathed a sigh of relief when I saw her chest start to move on its own again. They finally let me go near her and I gently cradled her head with one of my hand she then started to cough and puke up the left over salt water. I turned her onto her side and let her work it out of her stomach and lungs as I rubbed her back.

She gasped for air frantically and gripped my shoulders so tightly that her fingers turned white. "Calm down Sarah," I whispered, panicking a little on the inside, but determined not to let it show in front of Sarah. She was breathing too fast, I didn't like it, I wished she could slow it down, and I knew she was going to end up passing out soon.

Her startling blue-grey eyes found mine for a split second before she passed out cold in my arms in an unfamiliar boat.

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