Chapter 9

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Ashton's POV

I didn't mean to just leave Taylor alone all of the sudden. I was late though. For a basketball game. I've been so caught up hanging out with Taylor that I've been forgetting about a lot of other things. She's a really good friend, and I love to hang out with her so I do. I ran out of the house and drove back to my house. I opened my front door and dashed up the stairs to my room and quickly threw on my uniform, then I rushed back downstairs, out the door, and to my car. I drove to the school where the game was taking place today and ran inside and to the gym. The game was just about to start, which was relieving. At least I arrived before the start of the game. The game wasn't that tough. The team we went against sucked. At the end, we won 27 to 18. Before I left the high school, I texted Taylor to apologize about running out on her.

Hey, listen I'm sorry I ran out like that, I was real late for a basketball game. I had fun today though. :)

She was quick to reply.

Oh, it's ok Ashton, I had a lot of fun too!

After I told her goodnight, I laid in my bed and thought. I actually thought about Taylor, which I wasn't expecting to do. I've started to realize that I've grown to like Taylor a lot. And I really don't mean like just friends. I've developed a little crush on her, I mean she is pretty, nice, funny, and she's so weird. And I love those things about her. I do know though that she could never like me back. I frowned at the thought of that, but then I thought, I mean it's just a crush, I'll probably get over it. But I was really wrong about that. If it's possible I grew to like Taylor more and more. I had so much fun day after day hanging out with her. It's been about two weeks since that day that I left for my basketball game. I woke up and got dressed. I was wearing some jeans, a hoodie, and some sneakers. It's beginning to warm up as it starts to become spring. I love when it gets all warm and sunny after the winter. I decided to surprise Taylor with an unexpected visit. I got my car keys and walked out the front door, closing it behind me. I drove to Taylor's house and knocked on the door. Her mom answered.

"Oh hi Ashton!" Taylor's mother greeted me cheerfully "Taylor's still sleeping, but your welcome to wake her up if you want."

"Thanks Ms. Green." I replied politely, and stepped inside the house. I tiptoed up the stairs and to Taylor's room. I cracked the door open and saw Taylor asleep on her bed. She looked so peaceful so I decided to let her sleep awhile longer. I walked around her room, first by her desk. There were dozens upon dozens of scattered drawings and sketches all over, along with pencils, pens and all kinds of artsy tools. Also on the desk there was a picture frame propped up. It had a picture of me and her at the park enjoying ourselves. I grinned at the sight of it. Then I moved on to a wall full of even more pictures. I was in a few. There were pictures of Taylor's sister and brother, Sam and Josh. There were pictures of Taylor and her mom, and Taylor and her dad. There were also several sketches hanging up along with all her memories. There were tiny souvenirs hanging up too. There were lights strung around all the things hanging from her wall. Then there was her bed, where she lay fast asleep, dreaming. Next to her bed was a stand with an alarm clock and a few other random items. Then there was a closet, a mirror, and a tv. Plus some other random things. I heard Taylor shift so I turned to see her sitting up, staring at me with wide eyes. Then she settled down when she realized it was only me.

"Jesus Ashton, you scared the shit outta me!" She said teasingly.

"Oh I'm sorry, did I scare the little baby." I said in an annoying voice.

"Oh shut up." Taylor said.

She told me to get out while she freshened up for the day so I went and sat in the hallway. I could hear Taylor singing to herself, although it wasn't good it was cute so I listened. When she was done getting all ready she stepped out of her room. She was wearing sweat pants and a sweater with red converse. Her hair fell around her shoulders beautifully and her sea green eyes popped with color. She looked pretty casual, and only had a tiny bit of makeup on. Which she didn't even need because of her natural beauty.

"Ok, so where are we going?" Taylor asked.

"Oh I don't know, you wanna get some ice cream?" I replied.

"Ashton, it's like 11:00 in the morning!"

"So?" I ask.

"So then I guess let's go eat some morning ice cream." Taylor said.

I grinned and grabbed my phone and my keys. We rushed down the stairs, and Taylor told her mom we were going out to the park and to get ice cream. We walked out and got into my car. Me in the drivers seat and Taylor in the passengers. We chatted on the ride there about some pretty casual things. Just what was really going on in our lives. Taylor talked about how Joshes birthday was coming up and how they always go to some really fun place to celebrate.

"We always travel to some sort of cool place, like an amusement park or something cool like that." Taylor mentioned.

"That's pretty cool." I replied.

"Yeah it is, maybe I could get my mom to take you along with us!"

"That would be even cooler!" I said, now clearly more interested than I was before.

Then we just kind of stopped talking. Soon enough we pulled into the ice cream parlors driveway. Then we got out to go enjoy some morning ice cream.

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