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"Hmm, GTA or Fortnite? What should I play?" I asked myself what to play and record. Well I mean I played GTA before and my fans might get bored of me just playing it, so I'm going to play Fortnite. Wait, do I even have it installed? I checked and as I was expecting, IT WASN'T INSTALLED! Great now I have to wait a billion hours to get the game started. I sighed and started to install the game.

When the game was still installing I wanted to check out social media and see what's new. I opened up Instagram and didn't realise my notifications until now. They were from last night and they were filled with tons of comments and those comments were about a picture that I never posted. In the picture was Antisepticeye with a bloody knife with a black background. What the hell I never posted this?! I thought a little shocked by it. I checked to see the comments and there were a lot of positive ones and people saying that I did a great job editing even tho it wasn't me, I didn't even post this. I closed my phone when I saw that the game was finished. I opened it and played a little bit just to see what is like. Then I started to record and play.

After about half an hour of gameplay my screen started to glitch and the colour turned to green, and that, let me tell you is not an everyday thing that happens casually. I clicked the mouse button several times, but nothing happened. Then all of the sudden there was a loud static noise. I couldn't take the sound, so I put both of my hands on my ears, but that still didn't do anything. "What the hell?!" I yelled and the sound suddenly stopped and got back to the game, which I got killed by someone. I didn't care at all, so I just exited the game and stopped the recording, I put my hands on my forehead and started to breath in and breath out air slowly.

"What was that?" I said to myself quietly. It was 06:00 in the morning, maybe I just need some sleep because I couldn't fall asleep last night. I was hearing some noises, they were so quiet that even tho it was very quiet in my room I couldn't hear them, but at the same time I could hear them like they are right next to my ear. And I know that I'm crazy that I am recording so early, but I couldn't sleep either, so the first thing that came up my mind was to record so I did, but now I think I'm too tired to even say anything. I walked to my bedroom and closed the door behind me and jumped right to my bed and snuggled up in my blanket before I put my phone on the bedside table. Then once I closed my eyes I instantly fall asleep.


When I woke up, I saw a figure standing in front of me, but once I blinked the figure was instantly gone. Strange I thought to myself. I got the covers of me and checked my phone, I was 10:37am. Well at least I slept more this time i thought and got up of the bed and started to walk to the bathroom, I then started to strip and walked to the shower and started the water, but me being me forgot to put the water to a warmer temperature, so I started to shiver because of how cold the water was.

When I was done showering I got out of the shower and started to dry myself. I put a green hoodie and some blue trousers and started to think about what happened when I was recording the video. Okay, so I was recording a video, played it and then the screen started to glitch and turn green, also a loud static sound appeared and then suddenly stopped. And who posted that picture 'cause I know damn well I didn't. But anyway I need to let that thought behind me and move on with my day.

I decided I want to go and make myself coffee first and then I'll go to a restaurant and eat something because I'm too lazy to male myself food.

When the coffee was done I put it on the table and I sat on my chair and checked my phone to see what's new while I'm drinking my coffee. But once I opened my phone it quickly turned itself off. I tried to turn it on again, but it didn't do anything. "What. In. The. Actual. Fuck!" I said loudly. I sighed and drank the coffee in two gulps, once I was done I grabbed the coffee and put it in the dishwasher to be cleaned with of course other dishes. Then I put on my green shoes and walked outside.

The sun was shining bright even if it was early in the morning, I wonder if anything is open at this time.....probably.

I walked on the sidewalk and two people recognized me and immediately ran over to me and asked if we could take a picture and obviously I said yes. We took some pictures and then they said to me that the newest picture on Instagram was amazing and that I could edit very good. "Well, thank you so much about that" i lied, I didn't want them to know that it wasn't me that posted the picture but someone else. Then we said goodbyes and walked off.

I surprisingly found a restaurant that is open, I got in and sat in. I waited a couple of minutes before a waiter came to me and said "What is your order sir?". I checked the menu before the waiter came so I was prepared. "I will have some salad, please" i said. "Your order will be ready within 20 minutes" he replied back and I nodded.

While I was waiting I pulled out my phone which I picked up before I got out and see if it was working. It was and I sighed in relief.

While browsing on my phone I heard a loud sound making a contact with the wooden table, and I jumped back and quickly looked up to see who it was.

I was shocked of what I saw in front of me.

Thank you guys so much for reading, please tell me if there are any mistakes in this chapter. Also I'm so sorry that it's short and probable three or four chapters are going to be like that. Anyway I will see you guys later bye!

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