28 1 3

- I really wanted this to end. The amount of pressure and stress that was building up from the start was just overwhelming me at the moment. I know some people say that everything will be fine if we have patience, but the hope I barely had in the first place was beginning to fade away minutes after minutes.

There was music playing somewhere in my house and I didn't even noticed it. The song was familiar, but it didn't resonate with me at all. Words were said, but not understood. Music was played, but from somewhere else. I was living, but dying at the same time.

My eyes looked everywhere around the room, they searched for something that I wasn't looking for. Or that was what I thought, because when they stopped at the clock, it was 11:30pm.

The hope that was gone, somehow got back and I started living again.

I noticed the breathing of mine, the song that was unfamiliar, but it all made sense when the lyrics have hope in yourself  made a presence in my ears, the talking that was beginning to make me nervous again appeared. I guess you could say that I was half alive, but experiencing these emotions again made me feel alive.

Dares were made, but somehow they weren't made for me or even with me or any situation that involves me.

It was strange to think that all this time has passed so quickly. But, nonetheless it was time for all of his friends to finally go to their homes.

I said my goodbyes and closed the door.

Turning around I saw Anti standing behind me with a questionable look. He wanted to tellme something, but at the same time he didn't knew how.

"What?!" I asked in an annoying tone. I did my best not to stay angry, but that was never and an accomplished to me sometimes I guess.

"Nothing, I-i was just wondering why you were so absent all these hours?" He said with a short stutter.

"What are you talking about, I was there I wasn't absent?!" I said to him, well more asked him because I did not even knew what was I talking about.

His cheeks were tinted with a bright red colour while he said that I looked cute when I did that, so he told the other guys to not bother me at all.

"Um, o-okay?" Now it was my turn to blush. That information was not needed to be told to me, but I still took it in.

"Oh, and another thing! Would you like to sleep with me?" He asked in a rather embarrassed tone with a cute baby face. I already knew the answer I was going to give him


"Please, I really want to~" he pleaded with his eyes that looked somewhat cute when he did that type of expression.

"Alright fine" was my next answer, I was only going to do this for a day, so why not make his wish come true?

He had a bright smile on his face and he started to jump to my bedroom with me in his arms.

This is not right. This is not right. This is not right! I kept repeating those four words in my head,but at the same time this was going to happen and I don't know why I feel so anxious about this, because there were worse things that happened between us in the past.

We entered the bedroom, put on our pyjamas and went into our bed covers

It was weird and I didn't knew why, but I am going to survive this like everything I did.

It was funny how his pyjamas were only boxers.

He hugged me and even though I wanted to protest, Anti shushed me in a calming way.


It was at least 3am and I still couldn't sleep. I don't know why, but I just couldn't close my eyes without having the feeling of being watched. It scared the living hell out of me and I wanted to scream so badly, but I knew that if I did that, Anti would wake up and bother me and he could think of me as a mentally ill person.

It was pitch black and I couldn't see anybody if I opened my eyes, but I could still sense them and it was really creeping me out.

Out of nowhere, I hear some sound made downstairs. I squealed in surprise and quickly pulled my covers up and cuddled into Anti. This is scary.

I waited there for a moment to see if something else would happen, but nothing. It was dead silence.

Maybe it is my paranoia, maybe it is just me hearing things, maybe it's the lack of sleep, maybe, maybe, maybe, maybe... Maybe I am going insane.

That could be a possibility. I've been through a lot, so maybe it's that. I am going crazy.

As much as I wanted not to believe that, I have been through a lot of situations that could drive me mad.

I really, really did not wanted to believe that.

Why should I be considered crazy if I am here sleeping with a damn demon that won't leave me alone. It is just--


Okay, this is real, this is happening!

Someone is in my house and I need to know who it is!

I pulled the covers down and slipped down carefully not to wake Anti up, because that would make the situation worse.

I took my phone and turned on my flashlight so I could see.

Going down the stairs I heard another sound, but this was just tapping on something.

Then I saw something. Something that was seen before with my with my eyes.

The dark shadow...

Thank you all for reading this chapter.
Please vote and comment if I made so mistakes!
Bye guys!

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