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I didn't know what to do, I looked at Dark and then at Anti wondering what they will do to me. The were both standing further away from me, so that I couldn't hear what they are saying.

I moved in the bed, trying to make as less noise as possible and I think myself has succeeded, but they still  noticed and Anti smiled. Walking over me with that grin he had on his face, he put his hand into his pocket and pulled something out. When he did, I was kinda shocked, because it was a rope, and not small and thin, but big and thick.

I wanted to ask him, but I couldn't get any word out of my mouth, it felt like it was sewed really tight. When I looked over Dark, he had a smirk on his face and that only made the situation worse, thinking that they would do something that I wouldn't like, as always.

When my attention went back into Anti, I saw that he was crouching and getting something under the bed. After he stood up, I noticed that he was caring a shining golden box. It looked way too fabulous and because of that I think that, inside there were some very expensive stuff.

He then opened the box and my eyes went wide when I saw what was in the box.

There were all the things that I thought were about... SEX.

I got further away from him, getting scared that they would do something like that to me, but I was caught by a pair of grey hands and I knew that those hands were from dark. Turning around only to see a very muscular naked man holding me in his arms. I blushed a very strong and noticeable shade of red.

He noticed it and he smirked at me, only pulling me closer to him. I tried to wiggle out of him and act like I was disgusted, but I couldn't resist because  he looked very sexy. Then I looked at Anti and saw that he was shirtless too, and my blush deepened even more. When Anti flicked his fingers, I found myself laying on the bed and when I looked around I blushed even more, and this time it was because of embarrassment, seeing myself and closing my eyes not daring to look at them starring at my naked body.

"Open your eyes, sweetheart" someone said that to me and I'm guessing that it was Anti because of his voice, I would notice if it was Dark because his voice is much deeper and much more, sexier.

"Ohh, so you like my voice?" dark said, and I opened my eyes only to see that both men were completely naked, and I blushed even more if it was possible.

I tried to move, but realised that I couldn't move my hands and my feet because they were tied down, with the rope that Anti was holding before.

"W-why, why a-are y-ou do-doing th-this to m-me" I barely said the sentence because of my heart bumping so fast because of my excitement and because I was very embarrassed to tell them to fuck me till I explode. When I looked over them, I saw their faces full of excited smiles. That's when i realised that they could read my mind.

"Because, you want us to fuck you till you explode" Dark answered me with that sexy voice of his that i couldn't deny even if I tried.

"Don't you?" He asked and I completely got turned on by his sexy voice, because I couldn't hold it anymore.

"I see that your little buddy wants some attention" Anti said and when he did, I saw that my penis was stone hard and throbbing for attention. That's when I had it, I was denying the feeling of them fucking me.

"P-please, please f-fuck me-e" I said, tired of hiding it.

"As you wish 'pet'" Anti said, and I wanted them so bad that the name they were giving me was so hot that my cock started throbbing even more and I whimpered because of how much it hurt.

Anti was looking for something in the golden box while I saw Dark walking over me and put one of his legs on the bed and wrapped his arms around my hair. I stared into those dark eyes and without noticing, he was kissing me, and my heart felt like it was going to explode at that moment. While he was kissing me, his hand traveled down to my nipple and started playing with it, and that's when a moan escaped my mouth and I got red once again. Then he started kissing me down the neck and stop to kiss my other nipple, and I moaned again, but this time louder.

When Dark was giving me the pleasure I wanted, Anti  had got the item he was looking for, and it looked like a small bottle of some king of liquid in it.

He came on the other side of me and poured a little of it on his fingers, which they made their way to my hole.

I gasped when I felt the pleasure and pain and a lot of moans escaped my mouth, but when something even bigger and longer made its way into me and started going in and out of me, and I moaned and moaned non stop by the pleasure.

The pleasure they were giving me while kissing and fucking me was so good that I started feeling butterflies in my stomach and something building up inside my cock.

Dark went lower and started sucking my cock, and that's when I felt something coming out of my cock. The pleasure was unexplainable and I moaned until I erupted into Darks mouth and he moaned in pleasure and gulped the substance when I was done.

He got up and grab something from the box, and when he did it looked like it was some sort of a golden ring and put it on my cock. Then he went on top of me and faced his huge cock to my face and ordered to me to suck it. When I did, he moaned loudly and gripped his arm around my hair making me suck quicker and I did as fast as I could wanting to return the pleasure he gave me earlier, and now like me he was a moaning mess, shaking and full of pleasure.

While i was sucking his cock I felt something being touched inside me and I went wild because that was the most pleasurable thing I had ever had ever since and I also moaned very loudly, begging Anti to hit that spot again and he did.

"O-oh j-ack" I hear Anti moan and he filled me up with the hot substance inside me.

Not long after I heard Dark moan and he as well exploded a lot into me and I gulped it.

When both of them were done Dark with Anti both put their cocks inside me. The pain was tremendous and I screamed in pain, but the pain was replaced by pleasure quickly and I moaned.

"Aa-hh, aa-h, a-hh!" I moaned loudly and I was close to my climax.

All of us started moaning when were close to our climaxes, but my cock had a ring on it and it was stopping it for releasing the semen. I cried in pain as it was too much for me and I begged them to take out the ring, but they didn't do anything.

"You a-are going to wait t-till we f-inish" Anti said and once they did they release into me for the second time.

My cock was ready to explode and the feeling that I had so much of that hot substance by two hot men intensified the pain even more and tears started forming in my eyes.

Then I started to beg.

"P-p-pleas-se, r-rem-mov-ve i-it" I barely managed to speak.

Then they started to tease me and Dark touched the tip of my cock with his tongue and I couldn't take it anymore and scream as much as I can and even thought he wasn't making a lot of contact with it I still felt my cock  getting more painful than when it had already been.

"P-p-p-pleas-se, i-im b-eg-gin-ng y-o-ou" I said with all my strength left in me and he smirked and removed the ring.

When he did that, everything that was building up inside exploded out and a big moan came out of my mouth.

When I was done I barely had my lids open because I was so tired the world was becoming more darker and darker as I was closing my eyes and finally I fell asleep.


Hey guys, thank you all for reading this chapter and and comment if I made dome mistakes.
I will see you guys later, stay sweet and bye!

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