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- The door opened and there was a man with a grey suit and black hair. Anti smiled when he saw him and walked over him, they said something that I couldn't hear and made that manly handshake. The person who was in a grey suit looked up at me and his lips curved in satisfaction. I looked in his eyes and they were unusually very dark, like I was staring at an endless void. I returned an awkward smile and then I saw that, both men were walking up to me. I took a step back and steadied myself and lowered my breathing to look a little more confident. It worked a little, but not as much so they noticed it.

"Say hello to my new fuck toy Dark!" Anti said with a bright smile on his face and the one who I assumed was Dark looked me up and down and, he too had the enormous smile on his face. I kinda felt offended that Anti would call me like that, but I didn't made any expression whatsoever. Other than that I also felt embarrassed and my heart felt like it is twisting so hard that I barely tried not to wince at the pain.

"Hello 'fuck toy'" Dark said and reached out a hand to touch my face, but I stepped back a little and turned to Anti to see if I can only to see a very angry demon that wants to rip someone's guts and stuff them in their mouth. Fear engulfed me and I had no other choice but to stay in my place and feel the grey hand that was reaching up to me. When it finally did, the touch was so cold that goosebumps formed in my skin. Then he started to turn my face left, right, up, down and checking every angle of it.

When he was finished, he got his arm down and put it in his pocket. My eye then darted to Anti and saw the look that dad gave you when you did your job the right way. I tensed up more when I saw the dark orbs staring right at my face. I blushed a little bit and when Dark saw that he smirked at me and with a wink at my way, he continued his way to another room. When I turned to look at Anti he had appeared right in front of me.

"Gaah" I screamed and his smirk widened. He then wrapped his arms around me and with some kind of force I couldn't do anything but to look at him in those bautifu- in those dark green eyes!

"You know I can read your mind" he said and I blushed thinking that he might of have knew what I was thinking all the time.

"Your correct, I can see what you are thinking all the time" he confirmed my thought and I tried to push him off of me, but failed and his grip on me only got more stronger.

"Let go of me, now" I ordered, but he didn't listen, instead he slid his one of his arm down and griped my package making me gasp, and within that time he got the chance to kiss me. Shoving his tongue into the inside of my mouth. The pleasure I was feeling was undeniable and I let out a little moan. And just as I did it, I realised what i have done and with all my might I tried to push him off me, I did work, but not enough, so i though to figure something out. That's when a thought hit me and I knew what I was supposed to do.

Grabbing his crotch and doing as much pleasure as I could that he had to moan loudly. Realised that I successfully made him more weak, I pushed him off me with all my might and... It worked! He stumbled on the couch that was beside the white wall and breathed heavily. When he saw me his face went red like a tomato and looked left and right so that he couldn't see my smiling face. I then realised that I was sweating and a little bit red when I looked in the mirror.

My heart wanted more, which was a surprise to me because I wanted this guy dead and out of my life, but something in me said that that was not the right decision to make, but the right one was to stay with him forever and never let go of his hand. But I knew that something like that was wrong, even from me. I sat on the floor and looked at him again and saw that he was now staring at me with a look that made my heart speed up.

I asked him why was he looking at me like that and he didn't even answer, but still stare at me whit those eyes that you could drown if you stared at them for too long. I shook my head and got up, and once I was up I saw Anti standing up too.

"Don't ever do that anymore, understand!" He practically shouted at me and I quickly nodded getting sick of making drama.

He then said to follow me and I did as a was order, not wanting him to get mad at me again.

He opened a door and there was Dark sitting on a king sized bed.

When he saw us he smiled and when he looked at me he tapped on the red covers of the bed gesturing me to sit beside him and even though I didn't knew anything about this guy other than his name, I was still feeling more comfortable sitting next to him that to Anti. I glanced at the direction of Anti and he didn't say anything, making me think that he was okay at sitting with Dark. I went to him and sat a little bit further away from him, but he got his arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him, I blushed but didn't made a move.

I was still confused because this was a party and over thirty minutes no one has come. That made me suspect that this was some kind of setup.

"So Jack, if you are wondering why we were calling you a 'fuck toy', than you'll now find out" he said and I froze thinking that this is not getting to end well.



Hey guys, thank you all for reading this story if you found some mistakes please tell me and I will be quick to correct them. The next chapter will be a smut, so don't read it if you are very sensitive to this type of things.

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