-Chapter IV- Hers to keep-

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Present time-

Mikasa just stood there. Not knowing what to do. She didn't know what to feel. Why was Eren crying? Why was he acting like this? What was happening to him? What was wrong with Him? So many questions. So little time.

It was painful to see him like this...in this state. All she could do was embrace him and let the torrent of his tears soak through her shirt. The memories came flooding back. She could feel him clench his fists, not knowing whether to be mad or to give up hope all together. She could hear him silently screaming, suffocating with each breath he took holding onto his pride. She ran her fingers through his chocolate brown hair, time and time again, in an attempt to calm the silent war within his mind. However, The silence roared back at her leaving her so still. So cold.

Eren couldn't take it anymore.

He tore away from her and pushed himself off from her. His body no longer pressing on hers. His mouth formed a ridged grimace. His eyes smeared in tears and pain.

He ran. He ran as fast as he could. With each step taking him further and further away, until he was nothing more than the light summer breeze.

She was left alone in a state of shock. Tears of despondency slowly cascaded down her cheeks leaving her feeling so weak and frail. Once that first tear broke free, the rest followed in an unbroken stream. Her red scarf covering half of her face. Hiding the emotions stirring inside her.

Why was she crying? Why did Eren leave her so abruptly? Why did she not say anything? All these questions came bubbling in her mind.

She couldn't move. It almost felt like she was paralysed. Her limbs tense and weak. She just let him walk away. Her mind went blank. She didn't know what to do. Her mind couldn't register anything.

It felt like she had just been stabbed as her abdomen twisted and turned. A swarm of her classmates started to gather around her. Their eyes are plastered on her broken body. Mikasa never cried. She was meant to be strong. She never would shed a tear, but today was...different.

The disjointed haze seized over her mind, as all she could think of was Eren.

Amin rushed to Mikasa's side and lifted her to her feet.

Armin was silent for a few seconds and finally spoke, "Mikasa, I'm going to take you home, you can't continue school in this state."

He held out a hand to Mikasa. She looked at his warm hand, coldly. She rejected his offer and got up on her own terms.

Mikasa looked in to Armin's deadbeat eyes and whimpered

"This world is so cruel...,"

"So unfair"

Today was supposed to be the day where she would spend the night at Eren's house. But how could she? What was his father going to say? What was Eren going to say?

It didn't matter. She needed to see him. Nobody was going to stop her. Nobody was going to change her mind.

"Armin, I'm going to go now, bye", she faintly smiled

"Bye Mikasa, I'll talk to you tomorrow"

She began to head to her house to get ready to go to Eren's.
She stood at his doorstep. Cold sweat glistened on her furrowed brows. With her hands clasped tightly in front of her stomach, she constantly fiddled, weaving her fingers in and out of each other, in the muted darkness.

The shrill sound of cries cut the silence.

The voice sounded too familiar.

It was the loud bang that left a hole in the wall, the thump of the flying vase, and the crash of the figure coming in contact with the floor. It was the unapologetic "I'm sorry", the oh so loving laughter, and the slur of a drunken fool. These were the sounds made by the man that called himself 'Eren's father'. The monster that was okay with laying his hand on the one that he swore he loved. The monster that constantly hurting him. The monster that created the sounds forever replaying in the back of his mind.

For Eren, the monster was never under his bed. The only monster he needed to fear, was the one waking him up in the morning, not the one coming out after he was asleep.

The monster said he cared.

Liar. That monster was a liar.

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