-Chapter XIV- How selfish-

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Waking up in Eren's arms was probably the best feeling ever.

She felt so safe wrapped in his arms, and all her problems could be solved as long as he was with her.

She stirred a bit, causing Eren to move as well.

"Good morning," He mumbled, burying his face into Mikasa's hair and tightening his grip around her waist.

They stayed like this for a while, both of them still drowsy with sleep. If this were at any other time, she probably would have never slept with him, but after last night...Everything changed. The memories from last night flooded back to her mind. The shining moonlight, the warmth, the tree, the love...

"Eren?" Mikasa asked, quietly, "Did you...really mean what you said last night?"

"Of course, Mika, Why would I lie to you?", Eren faintly smiled

After those words came from his mouth, She hugged him tightly and held back a yelp of sadness.

He hugged her back, protecting her like the world was at the brink of the end of existence.

"Come on, Mika, School starts soon," He softly smiled.

As Mikasa looked up to meet his eyes, she noticed the waves of heat coursing through his blood, the cold sweat glistening down his gaunt features, His eyes sunken and his skin sallow. Everything looked as if it ached.

He was hiding it. It was so obvious he was in pain, but he was hiding it with that...smile.

"Eren, I don't think we should go to school. It's wasting time for me, for...you.", Mikasa murmured, her voice deepening.

"Mika, I'll be fine, I promi-".

He didn't finish his sentence.

His heart started to pound and pound and pound. He grabbed his chest and yelled in pain, his voice cracking like a broken radio.
No. No. No.

It's happening again.

Eren jolted forwards, as the air around him began to slowly strangle the life out of him, suffocating him.

Eren was at constant war with his own body. Pain after pain after pain, nothing ever changed. Nothing would ever change.

Eren's eyes lingered to one place to another...searching for an escape.
His mind was only focused on one thing.

Get away from Mikasa.

He ran to the bathroom, slamming the door behind him. He wanted to make sure Mikasa couldn't and wouldn't be able to see his pained expression.

"Eren!? Eren?! Open the door!", Mikasa shrieked, her hands fumbling with the door handle.

"Eren, let me in!", Mikasa cried

But, it was no use.

But, All you could hear on the other side of the door was the unintelligible gurgle of a sad boy and the cries of a desperate girl...desperate to know If the boy was okay.
Eren had forgotten to take his medication last night.

For safety concerns, he would also keep a spare in the cupboard in case of emergencies.

He opened the cupboard door with desperation to find...nothing.

Paracetamol, Calpol, Pain killers, Xailin, bandages, everything was there...apart from Eren's medication.

It had gone from its place and all that was left was an empty space where his medicine should be.

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