-Chapter XII- Right here-

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"Mikasa?", Eren called out

Mikasa's head instantly snapped back hearing his voice yelling her name.

"Eren!", Mikasa screamed, As she ran in to his arms.

"Mikasa what's wrong? Are you okay?", Eren asked, weakly and confused.

"Eren, you weren't in your hospital room and you really scared me! I was supposed to meet you there!", Mikasa shouted

"I'm really sorry about that, Mikasa", Eren apologetically replied.

"Eren! I almost forgot, here you go!", Mikasa smiled.

Mikasa has only just remembered what she was holding behind her back. She handed Eren the coffee and the cookie.

"Thank You So Much, Mikasa!", Eren smiled, his dull expression broadening into a bright, genuine smile.

He took a sip, his lips pressing against the foam cup, trying to drink as much as possible.

So perfect.

Not too hot, yet not too cold.

Eren repeatedly thanked Mikasa on their way back home. Mikasa put on a smile, but inside she was feeling so alone and upset. How could the doctors not do anything, at all? Did Eren know? Could their be a possible way of helping Eren?

"Mikasa, you're pulling that face again.", Eren's spoke, breaking the silence.

"What face?", Mikasa asked, confusingly.

"That face. Your eyes are so serious, yet your lips are drawing a bright smile. Mikasa, the last time I saw this face...Was when my mother passed away. Mikasa, are you...feeling okay?", Eren asked, getting more worried by the second.

"I'm fine!", Mikasa laughed, with a tinge of sadness. Mikasa gritted her teeth and began to speak "The doctors said they might be able to find some way to help you and...and!"

"Mikasa." Eren blandly said.

"You don't have to lie to me. I know I'm not going to make it. The doctors can't do anything for me.", Eren spoke.

Tears welled up in her eyes.

"I'm sorry, Eren. I'm so, so sorry!", she cried.

"Those doctors might not be able to do anything, but there are other doctors and me!" Mikasa blurted

"Mikasa, I-"

"I don't want to lose you, Eren! Not again! Please don't leave me! Please don't go!", Mikasa softy cried.

"I'm not going anywhere, Mikasa.
I'm staying next to your heart, right here."
They had arrived home.

Eren layed in Mikasa's bed and stared at the ceiling.

He felt someone or something climb into the bed next to him. He turned around to see Mikasa's eyes catch his.

Her eyes were like two endless, swirling oceans. Blues of dark and light cascading over one another in an effort to make it to the centre. At first glance. they could appear cold and icy but in reality they were warm and inviting like a warm bath.

They say the eyes are the windows to the soul and if so Miksa's had a storm brewing inside, her eyes were a choppy sea wanting to crash through the barrier and break free. She was tormented, her soul pulling her in two directions like the tide. Her moods calm in waves of Joy and sadness, this was something she couldn't keep under control no matter she tried. Because just like the ocean she was powerful and strong and uncontrollable.

So beautiful.

"Eren, I want to take you stargazing tomorrow.", Mikasa sadly smiled.

"Mika, why?", Eren asked

"I just wanted to take you stargazing.", Mikasa looked at him and smile

The conversation played out just like it did under the night sky, but it was the other person asking.

Eren looked at Mikasa's ocean blue eyes and smiled with a tinge of pain.

"Sure", Eren replied, softly.

"This time, it's going to be right. You're going to be okay." Mikasa echoed.

"Because you're right next to me. Right here".

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