-Chapter XI- The Coffee Shop-

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By the morning, the bed sheets were in a knot and aside from a few fit-full half hours of vivid dreams...she didn't sleep a wink. Her brain was constantly searching for any sign that he was alright, like a cell phone seeking a signal when she moved through the mountain passes. But like a phone, he's out of range.


The doctors told her to "go home," and that he was in "safe hands."...


How was he in safe hands if she wasn't by his side?

Her stomach shifts uneasily and she notice's that the hands that she is hugging herself with are pinching into her skin. She releases her hands but then she couldn't figure out what to do with them, so instead they clasp and unclasp each other as if in constant need of touch and reassurance.

But, what they need is to be able to touch Eren, to breathe him in by running over his weathered skin...

To be by his side once more.

Blue filled the room...such a gloomy day. The Rain pouring outside flooded roof's, balconies, roads and windows.

A shrill of vibrations came from her phone. Mikasa's instantly rushed to see who it was. Her eyes lit up to see the number for the hospital entangled through the pixels of her phone. They had cured Eren, Right?

Mikasa answered, not preparing herself for what she was about to listen to.

"He can go home," The deep voice on the other end spoke. "I'm sorry, there is nothing more we can do for him apart from stop the fainting and some of the side effects.", "Miss Ackerman? Hello? Miss Acker-"

Mikasa hung up, as tears started to roll down her cheek. Nothing more they can do? Lies. What could She bribe them with to fix Eren. Money? Her home? Her own life? There must be something someone could do to fix her Eren.

However, she wasn't hopeless. First, she needed to get Eren.

Mikasa slipped on her coat and an empy bag and off she went.

As rain trickled down the window pane, Mikasa walked and walked and walked. So alone.
A new café had recently opened in the area


Mikasa eyes instantly were fixed on the sign. Each step bringing her closer and closer, until she finally arrived. Mikasa stopped for a moment and took a deep breath.

She knew Eren loved Coffee, why not buy him some on the way there?
Just a smile on his face would be all she needed to make her happy.

She walked through the door as a shrill cry of a bell rang.

Upon arriving, the aroma of coffee lingered throughout the cold breeze. It was relaxing in some way, but was also so, so painful. The scent was cutting straight into people's daydreams and forcing them to focus to realty.

A girl with short purple hair and bright violet eyes stood at the counter.

"Welcome to the :RE café, what would you like?", She smiled.

"Please May I have 2 lattes and one milk chocolate cookie?" Mikasa asked

"Of course, just wait here for a minute or two." The girl at the counter added

"Eren would love this.", Mikasa thought. She faintly smiled of the thought of seeing Eren smile once again.

The lady handed her exactly what she asked for. A 'thank you' instantly followed after Mikasa was given her order.

The warmth of the Latte rushed through her hands leaving a burning, yet warm sensation. It felt so nice.

Mikasa handed the happy lady- 7 Dollars, before leaving the store. The bell rang once more as the door closed with a loud 'thud'.
The hospital wasn't too far away now. She could see it in the distance, whereas before it wasn't visible at all.

Each new footfall began to come down faster and harder. Mikasa was eager to see his smile. To see his emerald green eyes. To see his brightly coloured face. To see him.

However, she was so nervous. What was she supposed to say? What was she going to do? Her mind flickered and danced with ideas. Thinking of one thing to completely another.

Her feet came to a sudden halt. The hospitals automatic doors opened as it sensed Mikasa's presence, like predator and pray.

Floor 2, Room 15-A

Mikasa decided to take the stairs, she didn't have the time to wait in an elevator swarmed with many other sick people. As she moved quickly up the steps, she could hear the coffee swishing to one side of the cup to the other.

After she conquered the stairs, her feet slipped into a pattern.

'left, right, left, right' her mind bellowed.

Room 15.

Mikasa peeled back the curtain to see...

Nothing. Nobody. No one.

The bedsheets lay, folded in a pile, one on top of the other. So unnaturally perfect. The bed untouched. The pillow fluffed, not a single trace of hair lay upon it.

It was brand new.

Mikas's arms began to shake in panic. Her arm holding the other, in an attempt to calm herself down. It was no use.

No! No! No! He should of been right here! He should be! Where was he? Where was her Eren?!

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