-Chapter VIII- School-

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"Good morning, Mikasa," A voice spoke, softly.

Mikasa winced her eyes open to a silhouette of a blur.

As she blinked back at the thunderstorms coursing through her mind, the haze of a blur receded enough where she could finally make sense of her surroundings.

She was laying beside him, looking at the ceiling, that never seemed to end.

Mikasa hadn't realised she had clambered into the same bed as he. She was too tired to even notice. She was too tired to focus on the simplest of tasks. She was too tired to know what she was doing.

She was too tired.

However, her mind was only focused on one task and only one task alone, Eren.

"Mikasa, are you okay? You look really tired.", Eren murmured.

As he spoke, she couldn't help but stare into his eyes. They were enthralling, like sparkling kaleidoscopes of color. They were a mint green, but also an ocean blue. Dashes of chesnut brown speckled his irises. And for some reason, they looked like they had seen a lifetime, when in reality they had only seen a fraction.

Although, Eren didn't look too good. He was bundled in bandages, cradling his sick soul. His skin was an unnatural pale. He was struggling to even move. Yet, he was too worried about Mikasa to even think of his own health, asking if she was okay.

"Mikasa, we should get ready for school, it's nearly time to go." He breathed, lightly.

In that very moment, he gave her a smile that seemed so genuinely sweet and painful at the same time. A smile with a twist to it, like the smile of a child who was determined not to weep.

Although, his smile never touched his eyes. They were lit with sadness, and the forced expression of contrary upon his lips, looked so comical, so fake. Like a movie. Like a song. Like a TV show.

His smile just wasn't right.

Mikasa hugged Eren in response.

"I'm so sorry, Eren," She whimpered.

"sorry for what?", He responded in confusion.

"I should have found out sooner. How much you suffer, everyday. How you are...hit. How you are in so much pain. Why did you keep this all to yourself? Why didn't you tell me?", she said, weakly.

"I couldn't. Why would I want you to suffer too? I'm just putting more pain and stress on you. You have already been through enough, anyway.", He expressed.

"You're not putting any stress on me at all! I will understand any situation you are going through. I am here to help you. I am here to talk to. I am here to support you. Eren, I promise, I will understand anything.", Mikasa yelled

He gave a faint smile and his lips drew the words "thank you".

"Let's go, Mikasa."
-School time-

The school bell rang and students slowly   flooded into the classroom.

Mikasa decided that today she would sit next to Eren. By the time they got to school, He looked even worse than he did before.

His head tilted towards the desk, his eyes pulled back and his lips...contorted to a concealed smile, sealing himself away from the world, sealing himself away from her.

From the other side of the class, Armin just stared in disbelief. Eren's arms were swaddled in bandages. And for all Armin knew, there could be more hiding under his shirt or beneath his trousers.

The teacher arose from his chair and started yet again another boring maths lesson.

"Expand 4( x + 6x )"

Whatever the teacher said was a blur to Mikasa. She stared at Eren. His health seemed to be deteriorated by the second. His lips became more of a sick purple, while his once vibrant cheeks were drained from any colour.

In that moment, Eren had his hands clasped around his mouth. His eyes flooding with tears. His hands trembling. Eren stood up and ran out the door of the classroom.

"Jaegar! Where do you think you're going?!", The teacher yelled.

"I'm sorry", Mikasa spoke before she stood up and ran after him in shock.

The teachers yells filled the corridors, leaving echos bouncing across the walls.

She had never seen Eren run so fast. His legs were still brutally injured, yet for some reason he could run so incredibly fast. He ran away. He ran away from me again.

Where did Eren go?

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