-Chapter XX- Dear Eren-

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Dear Eren,

I could write a million letters, each one the same as the last in sentiment and cadence. They stay the same, only the word arrangement changes. It all boils down to one thing, I miss you.

I could of done so many things differently. I could of made you smile and laugh so much more. I could of talked to you more - I could of loved you more. But, now I can't do any of these things. You're gone. I'll never see your face again. I'll never hear your voice again. I'll never be able to share memories with you ever again.

I miss everything about you. Your emerald green eyes, your beautiful smile, your big heart, your torn mind, and kind, yet, tortured soul.

Eren, ever since you've been gone, I have nothing to live for anymore. I have nothing to enjoy anymore. I have nothing to love anymore. How am I meant to live my life without you? I ... need you.

Armin misses you. He's staying over at my house for awhile. It's been 3 days. He hasn't spoke to me ever since...ever since you left. Not only this, I have come to notice that he hasn't slept at all

How do I know?

The rustle of the bed sheets, the quiver of a breath, the begging of a lost and broken, body.

That's how I know. Every night the same sounds over and over again, as if in repeat.

To hear those sounds, I guess...I don't sleep either.

As, Every time I close my eyes, I dream you are beside me, that we are able to meet again. Your eyes glistening. My tears falling. You are with me once more, as if you had never left. I see your smiling face next to me, Staring at the brightly lit stars shine in the darkness of the eternal night. I remember wanting to ask you not to leave me all alone.

Yet, You say, "I can't stay here".

Everything fades to darkness once again.

As my damp eyes opened, I came to realise; you weren't lying next to me. I came to realise that you were no longer by my side.

Everything was so silent. I wasn't able to hear your beating heart next to mine. I wasn't able to hold you in my arms like I used to.

All that remained of you, were the bittersweet taste of fading memories.

Returning to reality is so ambivalent. It is almost as if you are being taking away from me again and again and again.

It's so cruel.

Every time I sleep, I have to open my eyes knowing...

It's just another day without you.

Eren, Whenever I look out at the dimly lit sky, I can't help but think of you. I can't help but imagine you here, laying next to me. Your eyes catching my own, As I look back, fleetingly.

Only for you to disappear - like the wind, like the dust.

I don't understand these feelings. I want to see you in my dreams, yet I don't. I love being able to see your face again; being able to talk to you; being able to touch you one last time.

But, it is too painful for me to watch you disappear each time I snap back into reality.

Can't I just see you smile again? See you laugh again? See you dance again?

I miss you so much. Each and every second without you is mental torture.

Please don't go. Don't leave me alone again. It's much colder this time

Everything was so cold, until I met you. When you found me gave me the warmth, I so desperately needed.

My heart is missing an integral piece, a part that keeps it from working correctly. It's you, Eren. I am missing you.

I love you, Eren. Please come back.

This is...
My Final Goodbye.

Love, Mikasa

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