3 Genders of Love

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Love that takes the form of He
Seems soft almost passive
Aloof in his attentiveness
Love that is He
Feels steady always constant
No ebb or flow
In his passion
Which starts out little more then a kindling
Then blooms into a bonfire
Through the years held in a lovers embrace
Love that takes the shape of She
Starts like a Pyromancers dream
Full of Heated Consuming desires
Love that is She
Turns Supernova Burning Fierce
Then dims day by day
Unless relit and renewed
By acts of passion
Love that shows itself as Us
Stretches universally throughout
Divinely objective and everlasting
Love that is Us
Never dies or looses Power
An eternal fire within our hearts
Shown by The natural instinct to love a neighbor
Creating a brotherhood and sisterhood of humanity
Which the world endlessly strides towards

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