Pandemonium Hotel and Casino

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Green smoke clouds hang over head
Blue flame lights the room
Absinthe drips from Liliths lips
As Lu shuffles the cards
Lost souls bet what they can't find
In a corner Dark and Shrouded
Abaddon sells his War Machines
Cold blood and Hatred runs through the buyers
Red Spirits poured in a chalice
Black as Brimstone and Hellfire forged
Satan sips from the drink of Demons brew
Watching the Nephilim come and go
The bouncer Behemoth checking their Marks
Let them through
Incubus taking bodies to private Hells
Ultra Violet screams of Gluttonous Ecstasy
Power Trips brought to Life through bondage
Beelzebub sits in a booth for two
Talking Blood Diamonds and Black Sabbaths
Leviathans serpent scales wrapped around the sign
In Orange neon reads
Welcome to Pandemonium Hotel and Casino

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