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Falling Falling I fell
Into a Green Green Garden
A Heart faced Angel
This vision of Beauty
Stood there
Standing over me
With hair so Deep Deep Blue
It could have been Dyed by Squid Ink
The Iris of her eyes colorful as coral
Lashes long and flowing as Seaweed
Blinked Once
Then Twice
Her top Lip a wave
Her bottom the Swell
She spoke then with her mouth full of Pearls
Oh Hero of Herculean descent
Hear me
Hear me
You are safe within my Heart and Home
With ears feeling covered by Seashells
I catch only a few sounds like the last words of a Drowning man
Awaken by Celestial beams of Light
My Sea Nymph savior no where to be seen
Walking a pebbled paved path
I came upon her Euphoric
A Hero with Mastery of Body
Her growing the Hydrangeas and Water Lilies
A Patron of Aquatic Life
She spoke to me in tones as soft as waves lapping at the Shore
How did the descendent of Hercules sleep
Answering in the accents of Achilles I spoke
As if Hypnose Hypnotized me Himself
She laughed as light as Summer Tradewinds
Hands held we walked back towards the Sea
Demigod of Zeus
Daughter of Atlas
Spending Twilight nights in the Garden
Swimming daylight hours away in the Ocean
Sleeping embraced in Loves Aphrodisiac
Days turn to Weeks turning into Years
Amused by Life in this Heroic Paradise
When suddenly Slapped by the hand of Mnemosyne
Memories are Recalled
My Brothers in Arms
On my Sword and their Shields
Thanatos flies above the Battlefield
My Home and my Helen
In ruins and taken
Singing Sweet and Alluring as a Sirens Song
Calypso erases my memories into Dreams
Years turning Centuries turning into Millennia
Calypso with her Hero
Immortalized through Love

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