Chapter 8

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Tyler"s POV 

This week had been perfect. I found my mate. My birthday is almost here, only a week away. And Bree has left me alone so far. I still get dirty looks from her though and I know she picks on Layla all the time now. Once I'm Alpha that will change. Layla will be her Luna. Ahhhhh Layla my beautiful mate. She is so wonderful. It's been hard though keeping the werewolf thing from her. I have to run patrols, do trainee Alpha things, and keep my short temper in control. Especially my temper. I would never hurt her on purpose but there's always that possibility that it could happen. And I'd never forgive myself if that did. 

I was on my way to the pack council meeting which I was late to. I had to check and make sure that Layla got home ok. I figured that her safety was more important than a couple of minutes of a stupid meeting though I'm sure to be scolded for it. It wont matter anyway. Tonight I will tell my father and the rest of the council about Layla. 

I wiped my hands on my jeans. Here goes nothing. I pulled opened the door and all taking stopped and every face looked my way. 

"Your late ,boy." My father immediately began. 

"I know " I replied and took my seat at my father's right. 

"OK so," my father started" as I was saying before my delinquent son interrupted us we need to up more patrols. The Brayor pack has decided they want to extend their territory and for them to be able to do that that would mean they will taking our land." 

"That's crazy! They don't have the right or power to do that." Someone cried out in the back. 

"I know. That is why we up patrols to keep them in line. That and so they don't try to do something stupid." My father stood up and folded his arms waiting for anyone to speak. He's getting ready to wrap up the meeting. 

"Ok tonight we will start the patrols every one is dismissed." They all began to stand to leave. It's now or never. 

"Wait!" It came out panicky but it got everyone attention at least.

"I have an announcement myself to make." All the men's faces seemed surprised except for my father's. The only thing in his face was disappointment. How am I going to say this? They sat back down and I stood up facing them and their skeptic eyes. Just say it and get it over with. This is what I'm supposed to do.I have to. In the back Danny is giving me thumbs up. I smile. Dumb wanker knows me to well. 

" I have found my mate." I whispered. Then the whole room lit up. They starting talking over each other, standing and getting into each others faces. What the hell is going? 

"Quiet.Quiet I said!" Using his alpha voice and moving his hands down trying to get everyone seated. 

" Now boy please explain to all of us what you mean by you found your mate, hmmmm?" Father said harshly.Wonderful.

" I mean I found her. The one. My mate. Your new Luna, duh," And yet again the room erupted into chaos. 

"Now everyone clam down and leave. I will deal with this. " And everyone again got back up and shuffled out of the room still talking. 

"Oh and not a word to any one about this or there will be conquents ya hear" My fathered called after them. And once they were gone he slammed the door closed. 

"When?" He questioned, 

"On my first day." 



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