Chapter 10

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Layla's POV 

It's officially 8:07. He's late and for the past seven minutes I  have been pacing in a circle around the couch by the door. I mean seven minutes isn't a big deal right? Unless he isn't really coming! This could be some stupid joke. The whole past week could be one.Ughhhh why do I have torture myself this way. Of course he is coming.                                                

At 8:11 there was a knock on the door. Finally I thought maybe he really wasn't coming.  I picked myself off of the couch I crashed on only a minute before and fixed my dress and my hair. Which I had actually bothered to straighten. I walked over to the door and looked out the peephole. It wasn't Tyler. It was a very tall man with dark brown hair that had spots of grey in it. He wore a t-white covered by a old leather jacket and had dark jeans where his hands were stuffed into his pockets. He was strange. It looked like he was looking though the other side of of the peephole at me. And not only that but his head was cocked to the side with a sly smile that seemed like he knew I was behind this door. Well that and scared.

" Who is it?" I finally called out when it became obvious he wasn't going to leave until he got an answer.

"Mail delivery." He called back. He reached back behind him and pulled out some envelopes. I opened the door slowly and stood there waiting. I was scared. He just stood there and gave me that once over look really slow. His eyes stopping at my chest and legs. I felt like I was going to cry it was like I was a piece if meat he was looking over. 

"Well aren't you a hot thing. Tyler's got his hands full with you, huh?"

"W-what do y-you mean?"  

He seemed amused by answer and gave a light chuckle. Then he stepped close. So close that his chest was only an inch from my own. His hand slowly reached up and grabbed a strand of my hair. As he twirled it in his hand and stared into my eyes like there was an answer to be found there. His head dipped into the crock of my neck and I completely froze. He's going to hurt me I thought and all these alarms were going off in my head but I couldn't move. The man took a deep breath like he was smelling me and that's when the tears started to fall. Then all of a sudden he straighten up a foot tall than me and wiped  away the tears with his thumbs on the sides of my face. 

"Now don't cry. Tell lover boy I said hi alright sugar?" I nod my head, blinking fast trying to stop the tears. He turned and went down the front step. 

" Oh and I almost forgot." He turned back around and stuck out his hand " Your mail." I reached out for the papers my hand shaking. When I had grabbed them he turned back around and continued across the grass toward the street. 

"See you soon Layla!" He yelled and crossed the street away. It wasn't' t till he was out of sight that I collapsed on the wood of the porch and cried. I laid on the floor with my knees to my face. I couldn't stop. Who was he? Why did he come see me? And more importantly what did Tyler have to do with him? 

8:22. Out of the corner of my eye I could see a big truck pop the curb and drive into the grass. Right away I knew whose car it was. Tyler jumped out and ran to me calling my name. When he reached me he scooped me up in his arms muttering how sorry he was. I didn't know what he was sorry for but hearing him repeat those words over and over in my ear brought on another wave of tears. I cried even hard than before. He was late. He was late and because he was late that guy showed up. He showed up and could have hurt me. Kidnapped me. Or killed me. And I don't even know why. Or how Tyler is part of it. All I could do is cry.

We layed there on the porch long after the sorrys stopped and the tears had dried. We stayed there in silence. Eventually he picked me up carry me inside. Tyler put me on the couch and sat in the chair on the other side of the room with his arms crossed. Like he was waiting for me to talk, but I had no intentions of talking just yet. And not long after my eyes began to close and the last thing I saw before giving in to sleep was a single tear falling from his face.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2014 ⏰

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