Chapter 1- The Storm

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Mark and the gang were all sitting in the living room and watching the news alert. The woman on TV was talking about a huge storm headed there way.

"I dont Understand," Mark Said. "Why do we have to spend 2 precious days of Life, Time and Work, only to be cooped up in the house for the time."

"Im sad were gonna miss the party, but atleast we get to spend more time together, right?" Amy said.

Everybody just groaned. Ethan was literally on the verge of having a panic attack because of the storm. Mark went to the kitchen and grabbed some pizza rolls and started cooking.

Everyone just sat down. Everthing lately was so frustrating. The powers definitley gonna cut out, No videos are gonna be put out, and Everyone is gonna be clastraphoabic.

Tyler just sat next to Ethan and felt his warmth. Tyler has a crush on Ethan, but Tyler feels like Ethan doesnt care, and wants to be ignored. Recentley Ethan hasnt been talking much. Hes been staying in his room alot and ignoring Tyler.

Ethan wasnt thinking about anything, He was just having a quiet panic attack. He is scared of Storms, and always has been. He want's Tyler to hold him tight and make him feel better, but that probably wont happen.

Kathryn was on her phone trying to text her boyfriend. She was trying to get a hold of him because he was out in the storm. Kathryn was having a panic attack as well, but not as much as Ethan, because Ethan started panting.

Tyler noticed this. "Ethan, are you ok?"

Ethan looked at Tyler and ran of to the bathroom. Tyler and Kathryn stood up and watched Ethan run off to the Bathroom. Tyler started walking, but Kathryn stopped him. "Ive got this Tyler."

Tyler smiled and sat back down, woreied for his Blue Boy. Kathryn walked over to the bathroom door and knocked. No Answer.

"Ethan its me, Kathryn! Can I come in?"

Ethan didnt reply again. Tyler got up to the door and looked at Kathryn. "What's going on?"

"I dont know." Kathryn Whispered back.

Tyler tried knocking this time. "Ethan? Bab- um, are you alright?"

"Im fine just, can you guys help me with something?" Ethan Replied.

The door unlocked and Tyler and Kathryn walked in. Ethan was crying. Tyler was schocked. "Ethan did you throw up?"

Ethan looked dizzy. "Yeeaaa." he slurred.

Ethan started to fall, but Tyler and Kat both caught him. Kat shut the door and Tyler put his arm around Ethan. "Are you Ok?"

Ethan looked at Tyler with despair. Tyler could see sadness, but the only thing Kat could see was Barf outlining his mouth. Kathryn grabbed a wet rag and wiped his mouth. Kat then put her hand on his shoulder and smiled. "You can tell us anything."

Ethan started. "Well you see- um, Im-"

Before Ethan could finish, a heavy rain hit the house. Ethan squirmed and hugged Tyler tight, catching Tyler by complete surprise.

Tyler hugged back tightly, holding Ethan like he was protecting him. Here We go.


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