Chapter 3- Kathryn's Boyfriend

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Mark was scared. "I dont know baby. Um- what is it?"

Amy looked pissed. "Its a picture of a donut. AND I WANT ONEEE."

Mark smiled and laughed. "You scared me!"

"That was the point." Amy laughed.

Everyone sighed with releif and smiled. Ethan chuckled. "Why do you even have a picture of a donut?"

Amy giggled. "Its a very long story."

Everybody laughed again. Ethan and Tyler were both happy. Tyler was so busy laughing at the joke, he didnt notice he was still holding hands with Ethan. Tyler smiled a cute blush, as Ethan really didnt seem to notice.

All of the sudden, the power jolted back on. The lights brightened the whole house, and made everybody squint. Tyler and Ethan quickly let go before anybody noticed their hand holding.

Kathryn used this oportunity to call her boyfriend. Kathryn has a boyfriend naked Drake. They have been dating for about 4 months, and from everyones opinion, they are really cute together.

Kat dialed his number and called him.  He picked up right away. "Hello? Drake? Are you alright?"

"Yes im fine. I made it to a school shelter. My car needs a new window repair though."

"Oh my god Drake Are You ok?"

"Yes im fine. I tiny piece of glass got in my knee but the people here helped me get it out. That was fun."

"Oh my God. Drake Do you want me to  drive over there? I mean i know its dangerous but-"

"No Sweetie please don't. Stay inside Ill be fine. Theres alot of food here, and theres beds!"

"Babe, are you sure?" Your literally staying in a school for 2 days."

"Yep. They actually have alot to do here."

"Ok. I love you so much please please please stay safe."

"I will Baby. I love you. Bye."


Kat hung up and noticed a huge difference in the storm. Instead of rain, hail was crashing against the ground. A piece of hail SMASHED the window and cracked it. The comotion caused Kat to scream. Mark and the rest of the gang ran in and looked at the window.

"Kat, Are you ok?" Amy asked.

"Im Fine."

Mark looked at the window. "We better get something to fix that. Nad quick."

The guys all ran and grabbed a board and put it over the window. They nailed it in, which hurt the wall. Now theve got a bill to pay. Good for them.

End Of Chapter 3.

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