Chapter 2- Power Outage

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Amy walked over to the bathroom door and knocked. "Ethan? Tyler? Kat? is everything ok?"

Kat responded. "Yes, can you guys just leave us 3 alone for a minute?"

Amy understood what was happening now. Ethan had told Amy about his fear of storms a couple nights before. "Yes Of Course! Take as long as you need. There are fresh Pizza rolls in the kitchen!"

The Three in the Bathroom could smell it from there. Tyler and Kats stomachs rumbled a little bit. Ethan could hear Tyler's stomach, because his ear was right against it.

Tyler sheilded Ethan as tight as he could. Kathryn rubbed Ethans back and started humming. Kathryns motherly properties and soothing sweet voice calmed Ethan down a bit, making him sit up, but still hang on to Tyler in a hug.

Ethan smiled a little, calming down from the storm and focusing on Kats amazing tune. Tyler held onto Ethan as well, listening to the sweet humming.

Kat smiled. "Well i didnt think that would work."

They all laughed and stood up. Ethan didnt let go of Tyler though, and Ty enjoyed every second of it. When they all walked out of the bathroom, Ethan eventually let go. Tyler let go as well, and they all headed towards the delicous pizza rolls. Everyone had a plate and sat down. Tyler reached for the remote, and boom. The power went out.

It was pitch black. Ethan quickly grabbed Tyler's hand in fear, and they both held a tight grip. Mark turned on a flashlight, and walked over to the shelf and grabbed a couple candles. He put them on the table, whike everybody was turning on their flashlights on there phone.

"Hey Mark where are the matches?" Amy asked.

"Um Babe I beleive they are in the hallway closet upstairs."

"Thanks Hun." Amy kissed Mark on the cheek.

Kathryn looked at her phone."Guys there are no bars. The wifis dead, and the data wont work."

Mark smiled. "Welp isnt that just absoloutley the best thing ever."

Everybody laughed. Meanwhile, Amy was searching for Matches. She walked up stairs slowly, being sure not to trip on a step. She walked over to the hallway closet and opened it. She searched, and searched, and eventually found them. Before she closed the door, she found something inside. It was a picture. She loomed at it for a minute, and gasped.

Everone was talking when Amy stormed down the stairs in the dark. She stood over Mark. "Do you know what this is Mark?"

Mark looked scared. Everyone was worried. Amy looked angry.

This was not going to end well.

End of Chapter 2.

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