Chapter 6- Finale

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Mark Screamed like a little Girl. The Raccoon was running and screaming, knocking everything over. Tyler tried to hit it, but he missed. The raccoon ran into the door, trying to get out. Amy Ran and opened the door, and let it out, and it ran under the house.

Amy quickly shut the door. "Well hers the good news yall. The storm is dying down."

Ethan ran up to Tyler and hugged him. "Atleast you tried Babe."

Everyone looked at the Too Males, standing next to eachother. Amy Smiled. "Is it finally happening? Tythan???"

Tyler Smiled. "Yep."

Everyone in the group started cheering. Everything filled with joy as the two beans were dating. They all starting chanting Tythan. TYTHAN! TYTHAN! TYTHAN!

The rest of the night was a 30 minute celebration, and then everyone passed out. The storm was quit for the rest of the night, which was a blessing, because Kats Boyfriend needed to go to a hospital, and They could finally leave the house.


Everyone groggled up from out of their beds. It was suprisingly Bright outside. Ethan let go of Tyler and looked out the window. It was as bright as day. The storm had passed.

Ethan got out of bed and ran outside. He played in the Grass and yelled in happiness. Tyler followed behind him and watched the blue boi dance. "Ethan What are you Doing Sweetheart?"

"Ethan looked at Tyler and Smiled. The Storm is gone! Fresh Air!!"

Tyler walked outside and grabbed his lover and laughed. "Its good to be out here. Especially with you."

Ethan turned around and kissed Tyler. Tyler kissed back and let go. Ethan tasted better than cherry pie. Tyler and Ethan have only been dating for 1 night, they were destined to be soul mates. It was only natural.

Kathryn woke up and looked out the window. She saw Ethan And Tyler Dancing in the grass encrested with rain. She laughed at there silliness. She looked outside at the bright blue sky. It was finally over. She grabbed her purse and ran outside to get in her car. Tyler and Ethan walked up to her car.

"Where you headed so early Kat?" Ethan asked.

"I need to go check on my boyfriend. Hes in the hospital." Kat Replied, Strapping Up.

"You have fun with that Kathryn." Tyler added.

Kathryn smiled and booped both of there noses. "See you later love birds."

She drove off and headed to the hospital. She was going to reunite with her love. Finally.

Shitty Time Skip....

Kathryn arived at the hospital and checked into the counter. It was about a 6 minute wait until she got to go to her boyfriends room. She was guided into room 87 and she went in.

Drake was awake, and she ran up to him and kissed him straight on the lips. "Omg Sweetie are you alright?"

Drake Smiled. "Yes Im fine. I missed you."

"I missed you too. Babe when are you getting out?"

"Um probably later tonight. Hey, what happened during the storm?"

Kat grinned. "Well. Alot happened actually. Enough to write a book about."


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