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Lisa's POV

It's finally Sunday! I'm thinking of buying a gift for Jennie. I think the necklace isn't enough for a girl like her. I called Jisoo.

"Yah Jisoo! I wan to ask you something" I said over the phone.

"What is it Lalisa?" She asked.

"U-uhm what does Jennie love?" I asked.

"You." She joked. Aishhh this girl seriously.

"Kidding HAHA. Anyways, she loves dogs." She added.

"Oh. Alright! Thank you!" Then i ended the call.

I went to the nearest pet shope. Aigoooo! The dogs are so cute! They were all so cute but one dog caught my attention. It was a dark brown haired pomerenian. I went to that dog and pet him.

"Aww! Look how cute you are!" I said. I'm surely i'd buy this.

"Ajeossi! I'd would like to buy this." I said.

"Oh! Finally! I'm happy that you like him. No one even dared to buy him." He said. I smiled at him.

"How much--" I asked but he cut me off.

"No no no, i'll give it for you for free. Take care of him!" He said. We talked for a bit then i left. Wow, i guess i'm lucky.

I entered my car and put him beside me.

"Hey, sit still okay?" I said. Then i was shocked when he sat.

"Ayeeeee! Good boy"

I started my car and went to Jennie's place.

"Are you ready to meet your owner?" He barked. This dog is smart huh!

I grabbed him then knocked. In a few minutes it opened. When the door opened, he went to Jennie.

"OMG! You're so cute ahhh!" Jennie said while petting him.

"What's his name Lisa?" She asked.

"It's up to you my dear girlfriend. It's my second gift for your birthday." I said while petting her dog.

"I'll name it hmm... Kuma!" She said.

"Ayyeee! What a cute name. Take care of Kuma arasso?" I said.

"Yes, i will! Omg he's so cute!"

I couldn't help but to smile. She's so cute! So i started to pinching her cheeks.

"Aigoooooo! You're so cute!" I said. She pouted then tried to pinch my cheeks back.

"Yah you're unfair" She said.

I got up and sat on the couch.

"Yah, give your girlfriend something to eat." I said. She walked towards to me and sat on my lap.

"What about me Manoban? You can eat me" She said. Oh shit. She started kissing me but pushed her away.

"Omg Nini! I'm not ready! And shhhh Kuma is here!" I joked.

"Argh idiot!" Then she slapped me on my arm. I started laughing so hard.

"You wild baby" I said while smirking.

"Shut up you pabo" She said then got up.

We went to pick up Jisoo and Rosé. I think it's been a while since we hanged out.

[Sorry for the slow and short update.]

Possessive Bitch [JENLISA]Where stories live. Discover now