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Laylah's P.O.V

After I went to Unnie Lisa, I went home. Jennie wasn't there. I wonder where she was?
I tried to call her but she wasn't answering. Shit. What is happening? Jisoo and Chaeng arrived yesterday so I planned to call them. After a few minutes, Jisoo answered the phone call.

"Jisoo, do you know where is Jennie?" I asked her.

"What? No. I thought she was with you?" She asked.

"She is not answering my phone calls." I said.

"Maybe she's at work?"

"It's her day off Jisoo. I'm starting to panick." I said.

"What the... Okay, calm down. Wait for me ang Chaeng." She said. I turned off my phone.

God, Lisa will kill me if she knows about this.

After 15 minutes

Someone knocked at the door. 

"I'm coming!" I said. I opened the door and it was Jisoo with Chaeng.

"Hey Unnie, I missed you!" I said while hugging Chaeng. Chaeng Unnie doesn't know about me being Lisa's twin...

"I missed you too, Lisa!" She said while hugging me back.

"So? Did Jennie answer your phone calls?" Jisoo asked.

"No, Jisoo. She didn't. Should we call the police now? Or the FBI or-"

"Lisa, you're worrying too much."


She's Lisa's wife.

"...she's my wife!" I said. I was walking around when my phone vibrated.

New message from Unknown

Unknown | 2:34 PM

I have Jennie.

"G-Guys... Someone messaged me and... They got Jennie."

"What?" Chaeng asked.

Laylah | 2:35 PM

What did you do to her?! Where is she????

Unknown | 2:40 PM

I didn't do anything... yet. If you want her back you need to do something for me.

Laylah | 2:41 PM

What is it????

Unknown | 2:45 PM

Kill the real Lisa, Laylah.

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