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3rd Person's P.O.V

Laylah's phone started ringing. She picked up the phone and answered it.

"U-Unnie? How did you-"

"Laylah, can you come over? I really need to talk to you." The girl said.

"Okay. I'll be there in 15 minutes." Laylah said.

Laylah quickly rushed to the hospital to check her Unnie.

"Unnie! I missed you!" Laylah said while hugging her sister.

"I missed you too, lil sis. How's Chaeng unnie?" The girl asked.

"Chaeng unnie is in Italy with Jisoo."

"And Jennie?" She asked. Laylah knew that the girl missed Jennie.

"She's alright. Look unnie, it's really hard to pretend to be like you... Can't you come back? I am tired of lying to Jennie unnie."

"Laylah... I don't know how to tell Jennie what happened to me. Give me a week. Just one week..." The girl said.

"One week. okay?" Laylah said.

"Yes. Now go. Jennie must be looking for you." The girl said.

"I will Unnie." Laylah left.

I miss you so much, Jennie. I don't know how am I going to tell you this. I got in a car accident, a few months ago, after we went to your dad's house a.d before I got into coma I asked Laylah to pretend that she is ME. God, how do I tell you this? I am so scared. Scared that you might get mad at me and leave me... I am tired. I really am.
My love, my bipolar disorder is not getting better.

I must end what we have before it's too late.

Possessive Bitch [JENLISA]Where stories live. Discover now