Chapter 18

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After a bit, the doctor asked for my attention.

I looked at him.

In his hand, he held a needle with some kind of clear liquid inside.

I backed away a bit, slightly panicked.

I hated needles. I get sacred whenever I see one near me.

"W-why do you have a needle?" I stuttered.

"It would be easier to help if you were asleep. This will only put you to sleep for a few hours. Enough time for us to do what we need to do." The doctor assured me as he took a step towards me.

I backed away a little more.

In a panic, I looked everywhere.

When my gaze fell on the tools and everything in the corner, I noticed something alarming.

Quickly, I turned and jumped off the hospital bed, and went to Yoongi and Hoseok.

I turned towards a surprised doctor, Yoongi to my right, Hoseok to my left.

"Eclipse...?" Hoseok asked.

"Why are there three needles?"

Meeting BTS; Book Two, False IdentityWhere stories live. Discover now