Chapter 13

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As I was headed back to where I had been before...
I suddenly got extremely dizzy, and my vision darkened quickly.
My knees buckled, and I fell backwards, landing right on my back.
There was no one there to catch met this time.
My head hit the corner of a desk, my right wrist smashing on another corner as I fell.
The wind was knocked out of me when I hit the floor.
Once I was able to breath again, my vision had cleared a little, enough for me to see the members worriedly gather around me.
I hadn't realized they were calling my name until I finally heard,
"E... pse..."
Then it got a little louder.
"Eclipse. Can you hear me?" I heard, though it was still faint.
My head began to pound. I got dizzy, even though I was still laying down.
"Eclipse! "
I could hear clearly now.
But no words came out to reassure them.
I thought about reaching out to them.
But I hadn't realized my body had gone limp. I felt paralyzed.
I had no way to tell them, to tell them I was okay.
I panicked.
I didn't think I would be able to wait until this passed. Just the thought of waiting made me panic more.
I was probably flinching or shaking at this point, but I couldn't feel anything, so I wouldn't know.
I was worried about what was happening.
I'm fine! I just need to move, speak something!

Meeting BTS; Book Two, False IdentityWhere stories live. Discover now