Chapter 7

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I looked at the unconscious figure laying in front of me.

Then I looked back at the members. I smiled a little.

"Thank you for trusting me and not stopping me." I told them, taking a step towards them.

Jimin took a step towards me.

Next thing I knew, Jimin had already wrapped his arms around me in a hug.

"Thank you..." He whispered to me.

I saw that the other members seemed relieved.

I hugged Jimin back.

"Anything to keep you safe." I whispered back.

We faced each other, letting go of each other.

"I would do anything to prevent any of you from getting hurt." I said in a normal tone.

I heard a small chuckle. Jimin moved aside a step.

"Yea, we can see that." Hoseok said.

I smirked.

"And it seems like you also prevent yourself form getting hurt when it comes to fighting, so that shouldn't be a concern." Jin added.

I shrugged.

"I've been doing Hapkido* since I was eleven. I don't think me getting hurt in a fight is something to be worried about. That's why I asked you to trust me."

*= Hapkido is a Korean martial art.

Meeting BTS; Book Two, False IdentityWhere stories live. Discover now