Chapter 24

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Looking ahead of me, I observed the trees on the side of the dirt path.
Then I looked down to my right hand.
What if I hadn't been there...?
My vision began to blur.
"Why them...?" I muttered under my breath. "Why does this happen to them...?"
I closed my eyes and brought my head back, as if I were looking up.
"Why can't they just..." I choked back a sob. "Ugh!" I punched the ground with my right hand.
My hand hurting, I bright it to my head, resting my forehead on my palm, tears flowing down my cheeks.
"They don't deserve this..." I opened my eyes again, looking up at the sky. "So why...? They did nothing for this, they were just living normally... They are amazing beings, they don't... This doesn't... This doesn't need to happen to them..."
I curled up, bringing my knees to my chest, wrapping my arms around my knees, and bringing my head to my knees, tears still falling.
"Why...?" I muttered, one last time.

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