Chapter 10

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"And what if you fall again?" Taehyung asked. I looked up at him.

"I just explained that I've experienced something very similar to this." I said in a soft tone. "Because of that, I know how to handle this. Please, don't worry so much."

Yoongi walked towards me and knelt beside me, on the opposite side of Jin (My right).

I watched, confused.

He put his hands on my shoulders and looked into my eyes.

"You got shot five times. All five of those bullets had a chemical that is causing you to black out. You just fought someone off, who had a gun and a knife. You could have lied to us when you said that you didn't get hurt." Yoongi said. I almost looked down, but I decided otherwise. "You worry about us and do your best to keep us from getting hurt. At least let us do something for you. All we're doing is making sure you don't get hurt."

I sat there, looking at Yoongi, surprised.

But, being the stubborn person I was, it would take more than that to convince me.

"It's true that I am hurt and doing what I can to help you al, but I would prefer not to become a type of burden." I replied.

"Burden?" Yoongi wasn't convinced.

"I'd only be one more thing to worry about. I am actually quite used to taking care of both someone else and myself. You could almost call it a habit."

"If you had to choose between someone and yourself, who would you save?"

"The other person." I replied without hesitation. "You've seen me do that, so you didn't need to ask." A small, pained smile formed on my lips. "If I hadn't gotten hurt for you guys, then you wouldn't even be standing here now."

Meeting BTS; Book Two, False IdentityWhere stories live. Discover now