Chapter 2~ Always Boys!

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Aura's POV

Ugh, I hate school, specially math. I don't even know anyone in this class, sometimes being the new kid sucks! My thoughts got interrupted my Mr. Brown.

" Ms. Fae, pay attention please" I got called out. That's embarrassing even on my first day! The kids in the class laughed, I rested my head on my desk in embarrassment, I stared out the window hoping not to make eye contact with anyone. I felt a finger tap on my shoulder, I looked up to see a guys with black hair and blue eyes, " pretty...." I murmured, he looked at me confusedly.

" Pardon me, what did you say?" He asked, " I-uh nothing!" I burst out. The teacher gave me a warning, and turned to the board. " So your the new student....." He looked deeply into my eyes " Expect different from what I heard, your much more cute then what they said" The boy let a smirk form on his face. I was more worried for what they said, " What did they say about me?" I asked, " Caring for what the others said than what I said? Your going to be hard to get" he let another smirk form in his face " Well, they said you were ugly, mainly with acne all over your face. They probably only said that 'cause they were jealous" he finished saying. I only sighed to his answer, I stared at him for a good few seconds, he thought I was staring at him because he was cute, then he realized. " Oh I'm Flynn" The boy finally told, boys are dumb now ( Sorry boys, not all of you are, just saying)

Okie, time to find the cafeteria. I though while staring at the map Principle Kate gave me. I bump into a body, I looked up and saw a tall guy staring down at me. Why is everyone talker than me! I'm freakin short, " Sorry shortcake, didn't mean to run it no you like that" The boy told. " Shortcake? Yeah, don't call me that" I flat out told, they boy just chuckled to himself. " Flynn told about you, he was right, you are going to be hard to get" I gave him serious face, " Just take me to the Cafeteria" He walked away, guessing I needed to follow him. " Aye, wait up!" I yelled running after him.

" Aura!" I heard a voice yell , I turned to see Emma jumping up and down to get my attention. " You know that weirdo?" I was hurt for what he said about Emma, " Yes, what gives you the right to say that?" He let out a chuckle, " I'm Jacob, I say whatever I want" Jacob answered. I scoffed and walked away angrily, " Jacob is always like that! Just ignore him, Aura!" I nodded and let out a little laugh of how Emma said it.

Ugh, I wish i can drive. I hate walking home! I wish I can fly, that would be even better! I was about ten minutes away from my house when I felt like I was about to get lifted off my feet. " What the hell?" It seemed like there was a breeze around me, but no where else.

It stopped, randomly. " What- how! Um...." I looked around, what just happened? Must of been a strong breeze, I always think crazy anyways! I shook of those thoughts and walked home thinking I'm crazy. I have to be, right?

I flopped on my bed,
I have so much homework even on the first day! Highschool is sooo annoying!
I couldn't help think about what happened on my way to school. The door bell rang, I didn't feel like getting up. " Aura, someone from your school is here!" My mom called out. " What? How do they know wh- oh hey Emma!" The blue haired girl walked into my room. " Hi! OH MY GOD YOU HAVE SUCH A NICE HOUSE!" Emma squealed. I ignored what she said, " How did you know where I live?" I asked immediately, " oh this easy, I followed you!" She sat down on my bean bag and rolled onto the floor, she acts so much like a child even though she's sixteen.

" Why did you follow me! Wait...." I thought about it, did she see me do whatever? Well I shouldn't be worried, it was only a strong gust of wind! Emma looked at me confusedly but still with a huge smile spreading across her face. " Oh never mind....I uh was just remembering that I had homework" I cringed at the slight lie I told. Its was like Emma was staring into my soul, " Aye, Aura I know when propel lie, well you kinda lied but what were you going to say?"

She is freaky, she knows where I live by FOLLOWING me home. Now she knows when I lie, I didn't give any hints that I lied. I stared at her with a creepily nervous way, " How-what?" I was so confused. " I have my ways, I don't have any magic of some...sort, you know" she kinda was acting weirdly " I just know?" I nodded in confusion, " Yeah, like what you just said totally made sense! Not really...." I mumbled the last part, " What was the last part?" Emma asked. " Oh, just thinking about homework, that I need to start on" I was kinda hinting her to leave so I can start on work, she just stared with a smile.

" Oh! You want me to help you!" She ran over to my desk and flipped through the pages, " Not really what I meant but thats....fine" I let out a sigh and smiled at Emma, she defiantly is a crazy girl. This will be a fun year, except for the guys.... there annoying. I laughed to myself, " What, did I do something?" Emma asked, I shook my head, " Then what are you laughing about?" She turned to face me with a smiled. " oh just thinking about my crazy day at Red Oak High School today, a VERY crazy day for me" I said with a happily sigh, " And it's only the beginning, trust me , Aura Fae" We both shared a smile. " Yup, only the beginning" I chuckled.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter! And...have patience for the next one lol, I write slow specially with other stories. Thank you for reading and tell other to read this awesome(PROBABLY NOT LOL) story!

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