Chapter 3~ So We Talking About Boobs here?

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Aura's POV

'Aura....Aura my child, suteic flikniko wojivo! Aura....' I looked around, ' Hello?' It All was just a blur, ' Aura, suteic flikniko wojivo!' What is the voice saying? ' Aura!'

I quickly open my eyes. " What the hell was that?" I asked myself, I sat up and looked around, Only an hour till my alarm clock goes off, great! I hate waking up early, its kinda normal, I always have there weird dreams with so many voices telling me different things, almost sounds like they're trying to speak gibberish. I heard footsteps in the hallway, I got up and opened the door to see Emma standing there petting my doggo. " Emma, what are you don't here!?" I yelled whispered. " To help you" I looked at her confusedly " It's a secret, you'll find out later. Now follow me!" She gave a toothy smile. She once again grabbed my arm and pulled me out If the house, in my PJ's.

" Emma, its 5 in the morning, why are we running around on the streets!?" I yelled, not caring if I wake people up. " You don't listen do you? Wait and see" she said with sheepishly smile. I rolled my eyes, " Wait, what is my mom going to say when she sees I'm gone!?" Emma just shrugged, " She won't mind?" Emma questioned her own answer.

30 minutes later we were under a tree waiting for something. " Emma why can't you tell me what we're waiting for!" I groaned. All of the sudden I saw bright light and a puff of sparkly smoke. " Ugh, its such a hassle to get to this dimension!" There stood a girl about my age, I just looked at the girl and Emma. " W-where sis she come from?" I shuttered, my eyes were wide open from shock. " Aye, this is Carmen Klay" Emma stared at me with some concern, I was still shocked and not moving it blinking. " This girl is adorable" The mint headed girl said, " Don't be crushing on her already! She's not even lesbian or bisexual!" Emma hit the back of the girl's head. I finally blinked at Emma's statement, " She-uh..... OMG I LOVE GAY PEOPLE! I always wanted a gay friend!" I squealed, she blushed at my words.

" Wait! Someone explain how she got here and what she meant by dimension?" I looked down at um, her breast, they were huge like they looked fake. " And why do you have big boobs that are huge and seem fake?"( Sorry if anyone feels awkward from this, I thought it was funny) They both burst out laughing, " Girl, they are not fake" Carmen gave a wink. " Ok, stop changing the subject and tell me what is happening!" I was getting frustrated at Emma, " Well your th-" I was done with this, I was tired and no one was telling me what's going on. " I'm done with this! No one tells me anything and I'm freaking tired, now just tell me!" I yelled, flames surrounded me and a heat of wind swirled around me. I gave looks at Carmon and Emma, " W-what?" My eyes were wide open, the heat if the flames didn't even hurt me, it was like they were a piece of me. " Ok maybe it's time to tell her" Carmon stared at the flames and chuckled to herself.

" Where is Gracie when we need her, how are we gonna get ride of the flames?" Emma asked, " I mean Aura can but she doesn't know how yet" Carmon told. I still didn't know what was going on, " Gracie who, I can what?" I was sitting down in the flames, " Make her sad!" They both in union. I looked at them confusedly, the flames were getting bigger. " Aura, your cat died?" They both started at me, " Mrs. Sue was murdered!?" Emma yelled. Carmon looked like she knew something, " No one likes you, we've been planning to kill you. We all hated you, even Mrs. Sue was in on it, she wanted to kill you, too" Carmon said unsure why she said that. " What the hell, why would you say that! S-she would never want to do that, w-why w-would...." I let tear run down my cheeks, I let out sobs. I held my arms together and huddled over my legs, water bubbles formed around me from my tears, water took over the fire and making the ground soaking wet.

The flames were gone, Carmon and Emma ran over to me. " Oh Aura, we really didn't mean it, we only said that so you can cry and use water magic" Emma explained, " R-really?" They both nodded, " Ok, 'cause I don't wanna die......Wait, did you just say magic!?" I perked up real fast and stood up straight. They both have each other looks and nodded, " Yeah, we'll explain more later. Aura, you and I have to get to class!" Emma realizing how late it was, " What about Carmon? And with this magic stuff, is that how got some big blobs!?" They burst out laughing again. " Aura, I will go with you to school. I know how Earth works, just saying no magic in these" She smiled real big, I sweat dropped. " Ok, I should make us fly to school!" They both said, " Huh? How you gonna...." Emma had wind spinning around her and a nice dress came in he is with angel wings. Carmon had flower covering her body and turning into Fairy wings and and dress. " Emma, grab her other arm" Carmon gripped onto my arm, Emma nodded and grabbed onto my other arm. " W-what.... you have transformations?" I asked, " Yea but I hate being a fairy, it's too girly" Carmon answered. I giggled, " But it looks nice, and like Emma, you look so holy girl!" She smiled at me, " Don't worry, your transformation will be nice, too" Emma told. I wonder what my transformation is, will I look ugly!? My thoughts got interrupted by them taking of, we were hovering above the ground, I screamed for how high I was. " Woah, Aura calm down we got you!" Carmon said holding into my arm more. I heard the first bell, " Omg, fly off fast!" I yelled kicking my legs in the air, " They both flapped their wings and took off toward school, me still screaming every once in a while from how high it was.

We landed beside the school were no one can see us, the transformed back into their normal clothes. The second bell went off, " Well, we were going to be late anyways" I said shrugging my shoulders. " Well be careful Aura, Anything can trigger your magic." I nodded in response, " Now, I think we need to run to class, I only know a little about Earth's schools" Carmon was right, we all took off to class.

Hope you peeps enjoy this chapter! Specially TY_TOT for being impatient, tsk tsk my child lmao. Thanks for reading!

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