Chapter 5~ Mysterious Wolf

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Aaron's POV

I opened my eyes quickly, I looked up to see a women sitting next to me. I yelled, and sat up quickly. " C-Carmon?! What are you doing here?" I asked wide eyed, " I should ask the same thing Aaron, why are you here? I thought you were at the Academy?" Carmon turned towards me with a stern face. " The King and Queen of Zehan sent me to find the Prince" I explained nervously, " Hn" Carmon let slip out of her mouth. " So now you know about Aura, don't think about telling someone, if some villain found out, they would try to kill her" Carmon explained, I nodded and we both got up to go to class.

Aura's POV

" So x=54+78^2" Mrs. Lillian explained, I twirled my pencil around in my hand. Aaron and Carmon walked into the clasroom, " You're 10 minutes late you two!" Mrs. Lillian said stilled turned to the chalkboard. Aaron had to stare straight at me, I just a nervous smile while Carmon and Aaron took their seats. " What took you so long?" I whispered to Carmon, Aaron shifted af my words, it was like he was scared of me. I glanced quickly at Aaron then back to Carmon. " Can you be any louder!?" Carmon yelled-whispered, " What? I can't be quiet unless I talked in my mind to myself and no one will understand!" I explained, she scoffed.

' oh yeah, Aaron knows about your magic. He also goes to the same academy as me and Emma' Carmon's voice ran through my head. ' What the heck!? Is this telepathy!?' I asked through the mind talk, ' Yeah, so she knows some magic already. I'm surprised she is actually using telepathy fluently, it's difficult the first but not for you, Aura' Aaron smiled to himself while using the telepathy. I screamed out loud, everyone looked at me and have me weird looks, Mrs. Lillian want back to teaching. 'Sorry, I didn't know Aaron had magic. But then that explained why he freaked out about my eyes' I glanced back at them, Aaron chuckled to himself. " What's so funny pretty boy?" Jacob asked annoyingly, he was sitting right next to me. " U-um nothing..." Aaron sighed nervously, I glanced at both of them. Aaron had a pink tone on his face, 'I my not be a love expert but he has a crush on Jacob ,I can tell' I used my telepathy to Carmon and Emma. They both nodded not looking back at me, " Jacob, shut your mouth! Stop being a bully to people!" I yelled, everyone in the class looked back at me, even Mrs Lillian looked surprised at my saying. " Mr. Morfran, please...see my after class" she sighed in disbelief " You really like getting me in trouble shortcake, don't ya?" He asked under in husky breathe. He glanced at me in a angry smile, I shivered in the creepiness he was giving. He gave a creepy smirk to me when he saw me shiver, " You're so annoying" I said rolling my eyes. 'Aaron, can I talk to you after school?' I looked back at him, he nodded and gave me a smile with a confused looked.

" What's up?" Aaron asked walking up to me, " Hmm, the sky" I gave him a toothy smile he chuckled and sat next to me. " How am I going to say this? So um who is your crush?" I gave him a glance and a stare back to my feet. " Is that what you wanted to ask me?" He raised an eyebrow, I shook my head. " Um I have many questions, I was wondering.....why do you like Jacob when he bullies you?" I never gave eye contact to him. " H-how....I'm not gonna ask, but that question is hard to answer, I really don't know....I love him too much to say I hate him as my bully" I nodded in understanding, " If I could, I would use magic on him but I don't even know some of the basics of magic" I sighed. " Whatever Očarovať does, I would do anything to help. I wish I just knew how to use magic, but Emma hasn't told me anything or when we're going to the Academy" I sighed once more. " Let me help you" He smiled and got up grabbing my wrist, " I'm not the best at magic, I'm still Year 1" Aaron explained leading me somewhere.

Not realising how long we talked, Aaron led me into a middle of a forest with an opening. " Uh..... where did you take me?" I looked back at Aaron, " Did we go far, its darker than last time I remember?" He stood still staring at me, he gave a creepy smirk. " Hmm, maybe because I put you to sleep!" Aaron cocked his head to the side, " W-what...?" My eye went wide open in disbelief. " A- Aaron .... why ar-" He ran towards me, I yelped as he jumped on me. " Tch, not the Aaron you were talking to earlier, the names Damien" The guy smiled and got off of me, a puff of smoke formed around him and he transformed into a older looking guy. " Now lets see, I heard you can't use magic..... its and Even mach for me!" Damien built up black fire in his hands. Omg what am I going to do, I don't know how to use my magic yet! I started to shake staring at him wide eyed in fear, Damien threw the fire strait at me. " No!" I held up my hands, nothing hit me, " W-what?" I looked up to see a vine wall, I looked around, only me and Damien were still there, alone. " I-i did t-this?" I stared at my hands. I stood up with wobbly legs, " Tch, unbelievable" Damien scoffed.

I felt magic running through my body, " So this is what it feels like" I mumbled to myself staring at my arms. Just think, think to transform. I need to learn how to concentrate on my magic, like what Emma said, concentrate. I closed my eyes and concentrated, ' Transform!' I opens my eyes to see a wide eyed Damien. I felt wings in my back, an angel wing and a demon wing, felt wolf ears and tail, sharp teeth in my mouth. " What the he'll am I?!" I screamed, " I'm nothing like Emma or Carmon!" Damien growled, " You're a Hybrid!" I thought those were in fairytales, I mean I thought magic was but look at me now! Damien built up fire in his hands again, throwing the fire at me and knocking me into a tree. I sat there holding my stomach, I felt something wrap around me, vines grew from the trees using it has a shield. Damien ripped through the vines and grabbed my neck, I gasped for air as he tightened his grip. " You know what? I. Hate. Hybrids!" Damien yelled slinging me across the forest opening. I coughed up blood, gasping for air I sat on my knees. " Hmm..." I thought what to do, " Očarovať!" Putting my hands in a weird sign that Emma told me to do when I used Očarovať. " N-no it can't be, your the...." Damien lost his words, staring straight at him, he formed cuts on his arms. " You Hêluča!" Damien growled, " Hêluča what?" I said aloud. He grabbed my neck again and squeezed, I kicked my legs everywhere trying to get free from his grip, I felt dizzy and felt a tear go down my cheek. Suddenly, I felt Damien's grip loosen. My body dropped to the ground and I coughed up blood. Damien's body flew into a tree, I looked to my side to see a male wolf, I screamed and backed away quickly. The wolf transformed into a man, he got close to my face. " It's ok, princess" the voice told me, he walked over to Damien and did some weird spell that made him transport to somewhere else. " Aura! Where are you?!" I heard Emma call, the man glanced over at me and smiled and ran away quickly. Emma Came into view, she paused once she saw me. " So you figured out you're a Hybrid, now I have some explaining, why is there ice? I thought Damien use dark flames?" She looked around everywhere. " There was a mysterious man, he was a wolf" I explained with a blush, " He called me Princess"

Ehe hoped you enjoyed this amazing....? Chapter, yeah ok ignored all the weird stuff and grammar. Now be patient again for the next chapter unlike someone is.....ehe :3

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