Chapter 7~ Shut it! You....Darn Wolf

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Aura's POV

I saw worry on Jacob's face, he was the other mage, he needed to save my mom. " That spell, Hêliõmá, I that's dangerous in this area " Jacob said,  " No,  save her now I don't care! " I started to hit Jacob's chest multiple times in anger. " Aura!" I heard a voice behind me yell,  we all turned. " Oh that wolf dude" Emma said looking surprised.

" Jacob.... " That boy growled,  " Werewolves scare me.... " I back away slowly looking at Jacob and the boy,  well now werewolf. " Get away from the Princess,  you bastard! " Jacob shook his head with a slight smirk, "Don't you see you're scaring her?" He let a smirk form on his face.  " Again with Princess! Stop calling me that, and can we just heal my mom! " I was getting frustrated. " O-ok let's just calm down" Aaron and Emma walked over to me and seperated us three. " Just do the spell Jacob and we can all leave" Emma told. " I don't trust him with her" The boy told, grabbing my arm and pulling me over to him. " Aye, I'm a good guy here! " I nodded in agreement backing away form the boy. " All those thing were in the past, I'm sorry Marcus... " I looked at both of them. " Oh yeah,  that's your name!  I thought I recognized you from the academy " Emma was too bubbly at a time like this,  " Okie...  Not the right time,  let's just get this...  " Emma blanked out. " Emma? " I walked over to her,  poking her face,  nothing.  " Um can I talk to Jacob in private? " She had a worried look,  Jacob followed her into another room.

I sat down on the floor, What the hell is going on?  I wish all of this was a dream! Marcus came up to me.  " It's ok, I'm sure I can help you" He sat in front of me.  " Sorry,  but I don't even know how I can trust you,  I don't even know you for one. I don't even know who to trust at this point! " I yelled in frustration and started to pace back and forth. " Aura.... Are you- ok I'm not even gonna ask" Aaron just sat down in the chair. I heard some scratching in the walls.  I paused and looked at the boys. I ignored and continued to pace around the room.  " She's definitely not ok.....  We pro-" I looked back in anger,  " I can hear you! " I shot an ice wall, " Oops" I shrugged it oof.  Both boys eyes we're widened. " Well you were pissing me off! " I rolled my eyes and turned to the wall. I screamed and fell backwards,  " Its a Shadow golem! " Marcus stepped in front of me,  " Don't they come when someone dies?" I looked at both of them, " Yeah, they do" Marcus have me a sadden look. The Shadow golem cam3 out of the walls and grabbed our kegs, "Emma! Jacob!" I screamed as I flinged my legs everywhere.  Marcus froze some of the Shadow golems,  Emma and Jacob ran into the room.  "There's so many! " Emma looked around,  there was at least 20 of them.

They would wrap around me,  grab my legs,  just state into my soul.  " AH get off of me! " I rolled around on the ground screaming,  " Princess!" Marcus grabbed me and swung an ice sword at eh Shadow golems. " Once again,  don't call me that!" I stared at his purple eyes,  to dazed off into his eyes j realized that he was still holding me. I rolled out if his arms, " Ok,  just stop" I rolled my eyes standing up.  "Stop what? " Ignoring the question I threw a chair at the golem,  going through it I just stepped back.  " Everything" Marcus looked at me in confusion. " What did I do?" Marcus sighed, I just shook my head. " No..." Marcus grabbed my arm, " Answere me" I tried to free my arm from is grasp. " You're just too much" I rolled my eyes and was freed from his grip. Marcus snickered, " Of course you would act like this" Marcus swung his sword at a Shadow golem fiercely in anger. "Tch." I stared at him, with Emma and Aaron screaming in the background. " Act like what, a bitch?" I felt proud of myself for this comeback, " Yep" Marcus patted my head as I stared at him. I growled at him, " what's wrong... " Marcus grabbed my hand and pulled my away from the golem. " Cat got your tongue?" I saw Jacob jumped in front of me, "Pay attention you two! " Lucas said sending fire balls everywhere. " Your so Obnoxious! Just shut u-" I was interrupted by Marcus on top of me with blood in his face.

"Marcus.... Oh my gosh you're bleeding!" I started to panic, I wiggled around in his grasp from freaking out. " Woah calm down!  I'm fine.... " He huffed, I felt my face heat up.  We both got up, at that moment I realized something. " My mom is dead isn't she,  these things capture the people's souls of who dies. Tell me please.... " Everyone looked back at me, tears were streaming down my face. Everyone looked down in silence, I let out a whimper as my knees buckled and I feel to the ground. " Aura.... I'm sorry I couldn't do the spell" Jacob apologized. I let out big helps of the event that just happened,  " NO! " I screamed. " Woah,  you feel the magic power,  right? " Aaron asked, Emma nodded. "Something big is gonna happen? " Marcus looked at them, Jacob nodded.

Emma's POV

"Something big is gonna happen? " Marcus looked at us,  Jacob nodded. Realization came to me, Is this the bad or good outcome!? Aura,  control your powers.... Don't kill us all! I thought with a worried look.

A big light shined around Aura, a purple magical outline was around her.  This wasn't even all her magic, " oh my gosh.... " We all stared at her. " This can't be! "

Hope you weird peeps liked this chapter.  Now for your patience (if you have any) to start for the next weird chapter.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2019 ⏰

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