Chapter 27: Meeting

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Looking at this text message, my mood becomes very tangled. Although ever since Sen Yu Ming broke up with me without an explanation, I despise and detest this man with a passion, I didn't change my mobile phone number in the past two years. I also don't understand what I've been thinking, as if subconsciously I am waiting for him to come to look for me.

This is not because I am unwilling to let go of this relationship and waiting for him to have a change of heart to come and reconcile with me. Rather, I do not want my first love relationship of three years to end with no explanation. I want to know why he did not even give me a reason at that time. Just suddenly decided to break up with me. We clearly made a pact to wait until my graduation to strive hard together. I even planned what kind of wedding ceremony in the future will be more meaningful, where is more romantic to have the honeymoon and giving birth to how many children ...... However, when I was about to graduate, he has got the delicate as a flower, refined as a precious jade (an idiom meaning exquisite) Linna by his side.

In these two years, I've produced numerous kinds of speculation as to why he broke up with me, but as long as I've not got a confirmation from him, it is merely speculation. Speaking of which, I also have my self-esteem. Asking me to take the initiative to find the man who has dumped me, I really can't do it. Finally, he is taking the initiative to come to look for me now. The mystery which has puzzled me for so long can finally have the opportunity to be unlocked ......

However, I look at big boss Lu lying on the bed with his flushed face and pale lips. He doesn't come earlier or later, why he has to come at this time ah!

Looking at Lu Jun's handsome face while he is sleeping soundly, I hesitate over and over again. In the end, I still get up quietly and l walk step by step towards the door like a thief. Big boss Lu doesn't appear like he'll wake up anytime soon. I will only go down to say a few words with Sen Yu Ming, that heartless bastard. At the same time, I will also scold him with a few swear words. After I've finished, I'll come back immediately!

A few minutes later, I stand at the doorway of the hotel. The sense of momentum I had just a moment ago instantly disappears without a trace. Under the dim light, I look at the familiar figure opposite me. My heart seems to be hit by an invisible object. From the time we got to know each other until we fell in love and with some minor arguments in between, bit by bit and scene after scene of my time with this man are being played out in my mind like a movie.

Outside the hotel there is a row of chairs for people to rest. He does not sit down, but stands straight as a ramrod beside a chair. He looks tall and tough. The garden we used to visit frequently also have this kind of chair. Every time, he'll go there first to wait for me. I was in a bad mood during one of our dates, so when I arrived in the park and saw him sitting on a chair, I threw a tantrum by saying: I've only let you wait for me for a while yet you are sitting so comfortably here. Indeed you don't show even a bit of sincerity!

Although I was just throwing a tantrum and talking nonsense, Sen Yu Ming took it seriously. From then onwards, every time while waiting for me, he will also stand. Even if there was a chair around, he will also not sit down. Once, I was late for two full hours because of something in school, he still stood foolishly for two hours.

Currently, he is wearing leisure wear that is similar in style to the clothes he wore before. Similarly, he is also standing foolishly there to wait for me, as if we have never been separated. His eyes are bright and full of expression when looking at me, with a hint of a simple and honest smile. He still looks like his former self, except a lot thinner. He is also a little more mature and stable than before.

I take a deep breath and pretend to be calm when walking over to him. Then I hear him sighs: "Xia Ye, long time no see ah!"

I nod my head. Yes ah, long time no see. Although we've met during the last gathering and also at the hotel's front desk a few days ago, this meeting is like before where there is no other people but us only. It is already two years ago.

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