Chapter 4 encounter

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(There will be a fight scene but let's just say it's garbage I'm really bad at fight scenes and btw there will be non-cannon stuff in this book if you don't like stuff like that then leave and as always thanks for the support so far)

Y/n pov couple years later

It's been a couple of years since I've found and adopted pyrrah she's been training every chance I would giver her excelling in hand to hand and even blocking she was always meant to fight I still haven't let her use my weapons yet mainly because I don't want her to get hurt or hurt me what is she's a natural with these thoughts running through she ran and jumped on me "ooooof" I coughed "your to big to be jumping on me" "well your to big to uhhhh ya your to big" dramatic sigh "how could you I'm a adult while your a child" "almost teen" she rolled her eyes "don't you dare start doing that just because your almost a teen" "I'll stop when you let me use your weapons" "when you can actually meditate and show me that you can through your actions that's when I'll let you use my weapons" she got off the bed making a thud when her feet hit the floor "you say that every time"she groaned "and I'll keep saying it until you show me you can meditate" "sure sure what ever" she took off to the kitchen ughhh what will I do with her I got up and went and took a shower and came out with comfy cloths on some sweats and white t-shirt.
As soon as I stepped into the kitchen the smell of waffles with eggs and sausage overcame my nostrils "in so glad I thought you how to cook let me take over" I came over to her and took over the cooking soon it was done.
We were sitting down at the table eating silently sunlight coming through a window "so Dad what are we doing today" she said picking at her food "well today I was thinking maybe we could go out today like the park or into vale" "I think we should go to the downtown today" "ok then finish up and then we'll go.

Time skip at vale

We were walking all around vale shops here and there soon she found a shop she went in and brought some cloths but nothing special really happened except for a guy named issei who got caught peeking into a girls changing room who ultimately got kicked out and almost beaten out the shop but as of right now we were walking home "so pyrrah did you like it here" "ya got some new cloths" "well tomorrow" I couldn't finish my sentence men came and grabbed me dragging me into an alley kicking and hitting me in the stomach coughing up blood I looked up to see pyrrah crying "please please let Dad go" "you stay there you well have our time with you" I couldn't let this happen threw the punches and kicks I found a opening.

3rd pov

Y/n kicked the man in his bells to his left getting a fee spot to roll jump back up as he turned around he faced 3 other men while the other was on the floor recovering the 3 men pulled out switch blades "once we gut you we'll gut her" the one in the middle smirked looking slightly to the left pyrrah was there unsure what to do with tears coming down her eyes her dad was bloodied with blood coming out his mouth his request stance he had while they practiced was lowered slightly showing signs of weakness the 3 men charged at once the one on the left went in for a stab only to be swatted away by y/n with a quick swipe of his legs the man fell to the floor y/n quickly took advantage and rolled over kicking him in the head for a knock out but not a second after a blade was coming down into him within a split seconds moved his arm up but getting a cut on his forearm wincing at the pain y/n had to continue driven with the need to protect his daughter he went and twisted his arm almost breaking it the man let go of the knife and y/n head butted him kicking him out but all of a sudden pyrrah voice could be heard "NO DAD" y/n turned around to see the last man about to stab him but the blade didn't move it was stuck in place and moved out his hand towards pyrrah y/n tools this moment to knock out the man with a uppercut.

Y/n pov

I turned around to pyrrah tired as hell been awhile since I fought actual people "pyrrah come here" she came over towards me holding the knife I looked at the knife hmmm "so that's your semblance" I muttered "my what" she asked confused "you know how hero's have powers like flying" "ya" she said innocently "well you have polarity which means you have control over magnetism" "woah so I can control poles" I couldn't help but laugh at this "yes pyrrah you command poles but it takes training now let's go home" we started walking home again but then it hit me I need to go to the hospital

Time skip after going to the hospital and back home

Soon we reached the house lovely as always I put pyrrah in bed and went to my bed I plopped down looking up on my ceiling a galaxy was scene my semblance I call it mind shifter was being able to make people and myself see what's not really there I soon knocked out looking at the galaxy.

(So did you get my references especially the last one. I'm trying to pump out a chapter a day for y'all next chapter will probably be her getting into meditation but and then the next it probably beacon unless y'all have more ideas for me comment them

 Adopted Pyrrha x male Dad readerWhere stories live. Discover now