Chapter 12 Seeing them

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Pyrrha pov
I ran through beacons hallways trying to find my dad if his creature was here then he had to be around here, I turn the corner and accidentally run into someone causing us to fall down

Me:"I'm so sorry, please forgive me"

I open my eyes and see it's jaune and his hands are....


I stand up blushing and hold my hand out and pick him up and he takes it

Me:"I...I...I'm sorry I ran into you..."

I quickly run past him a blushing mess, I feel like I've searched all of beacon, I suddenly get pulled into a room causing me to pull out my weapon only for me to realize it's dad but he's...crying


Dad:"I...I'm so sorry" his tears began to come down even more "I...never should of"

I couldn't take it anymore I dropped my weapons and started hugging him

Me:"dad you don't have to be sorry about anything you have nothing at all be sorry about"

Dad:"I never...I...shouldn't have kept my past from you"

Me:"past or not you're still my dad you saved you saved me when I felt like no one else would" I couldn't take it anymore my tears began to trickle down my face, I never thought about how lonely I was before and now thinking about this I just can't I...I wouldn't be here without dad and I wouldn't be who I am if it wasn't for him

Dad:"thank you, I swear I'll tell you everything" his words are so low it's barely above a whisper, I can feel his tears on my shoulder as he rests his head on it, I can only wonder what it was like for him

Dad:"you saved me"

Me:"dad you saved me"

We both let go and I can see that he cried a lot not just by his face but my shoulder to but suddenly he stood up looking down at me

Dad:"now who was that boy that touched your boobs"

Oh no


Me:"I swear dad he's just a friend and it was in accident"

Dad:"ya ya and my names not y/n l/n"

Sarcasm really

Me:"I swear dad he really is just a friend"

Dad:"as a father I have this power called eyesight wanna know what it does"

I can do sarcasm to

Me:"what does it do dad"

Dad:"it lets me see that you were blushing when you were running down the hallway"

I shake my head and stop when I reach my teams room

Me:"well dad this is my room I love you"

I go for the handle

Dad:"let me meet your team"

Oh no

Me:"really dad you don't have to"

Dad:"oh but I insist I gotta know who's fighting alongside my daughter"

Me:"your not taking no for an answer"

Dad:"I raised you right"

Sorry jaune i open the door and see team rwby along with the red of my time in the room.

Y/n pov

I walk in after Pyrrha and see them two my heart shatters at the sight but then I see that boy

Pyrrha:"e..everyone meet my dad"

The whole room looks at me

Me:"hello everyone my names y/n l/n it's a pleasure to meet everyone" except for the blonde guy

I learn Ren, hyper Nora and jaune are part of Pyrrha team and if that boy tries to touch her again he won't have a hand

Blake:"I'm blake" I look over at blake and give her a smile she seems quiet.

Weiss:"I'm weiss schnee heiress to the schnee dust company"

Ruby and yang both walk up to me and I can feel my heart race, so many thoughts race in my mind ruby thinks her mother is dead but she's not and poor yang with what's she's had to deal with I'll kill that bastard tai...

Pyrrha:"Dad, Dad Dad"

Me:"i..I'm sorry I didn't realize I drifted off it's just been a long day, it's best if I go it's getting late anyways it's been a pleasure meeting you all"

I shoot everyone a smile and walk off towards the door but Pyrrha opens it and leads me outside, she shuts the door.

Pyrrha:"Are you ok dad"

Me:"ya it's just... I never thought I would see them again"


Me:"I'll tell you later I can hear my bed calling me"

Pyrrha:"and how long is later"

Me:"I'm not sure, whenever you have time because I always have time for my daughter"

Pyrrha:"tomorrow then, we can sit down and eat and you'll tell me everything"

Me:"before I go if that boy touches you again he will not have any hands"

I hug Pyrrha and she gives back a tight hug

Pyrrha:"it was in accident"

Me:"I don't care"

Pyrrha gives off a small laugh knowing I would

Pyrrha:"Love you Dad"

Me:"love you to my spartan"

With that we break the hug and I leave to the call of my bed.

(Ya I suck at this, I can't think of a nickname for Pyrrha so comment a nickname if you want and it could be in the book. Next chapter we will dive into your past)

 Adopted Pyrrha x male Dad readerWhere stories live. Discover now